Response to Office Action


Avocet IP Ltd

Response to Office Action

Under the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 no persons are required to respond to a collection of information unless it displays a valid OMB control number.
PTO Form 1957 (Rev 10/2011)
OMB No. 0651-0050 (Exp 09/20/2020)

Response to Office Action

The table below presents the data as entered.

Input Field
MARK STATEMENT The mark consists of standard characters, without claim to any particular font style, size or color.
NAME Avocet Infinite Plc
INTERNAL ADDRESS 25 Palace Street,
STREET Berwick Upon Tweed; Northumberland TD151HN
COUNTRY United Kingdom
OWNER SECTION (proposed)
NAME Avocet Infinite Plc
STREET Berwick Upon Tweed; Northumberland TD151HN
COUNTRY United Kingdom
TYPE Limited Company United Kingdom
TYPE public limited company (plc)

Registration of Applicant's mark AVOCET for "chees; cheese products; dairy products" in International Class 029 is refused because of a likelihood of confusion with the mark AVOCET in US Registration No. 4,430,054 for "Aperitif wines; aperitifs with a wine base; cooking wine; fortified wines; fruit wine; grape wine; honey wine; kits for making wine; Korean traditional rice wine (makgeoli); natural sparkling wines; port wines; prepared wine cocktails; red wine; red wines; rose wine; sparkling fruit wine; sparkling grape wine; sparkling wines; still wines; strawberry wine; sweet wines; table wines; tonic sweet grape wine containing extracts from ginseng and conchona bark (ninjin-kinatetsu wine); white wine; wine; wine coolers; wine punch; wine punches; wine-based beverage, namely, piquette; wine-based drinks; wines; wines and fortified wines; wines and liqueurs; wines and sparkling wines; wines derived from grapes grown in California, labeled and advertised in compliance with California laws for wine” in International Class 033.  Reconsideration is solicited.

It is respectfully submitted that although the marks are similar, the respective goods are not.   In any likelihood of confusion analysis, two key considerations are the similarities between the marks and the similarities between the goods. See Federated Foods, Inc. v. Fort Howard Paper Co., 544 F.2d 1098, 192 USPQ 24, 29 (CCPA 1976).  Although the marks may be similar, "the identity of the marks alone is not sufficient to establish likelihood of confusion in the absence of probative evidence that the goods are related."  In re Thor Tech, Inc.,  Serial No. 85667188, Trademark Trial and Appeal Board, January 26, 2015, page 2.  Although the examples of record show that wine and cheese can be paired together, there is no evidence of record that demonstrates that wine and cheese emanate from the same source.  Rather, the evidence of record shows that certain purveyors of wine and cheese may bring the two products together.  However, the respective products themselves are different enough that they do not overlap, which weighs against any finding of likelihood of confusion.

The mere fact that wine and cheese can be paired together does not establish that there is any overlap between the different goods.  The goods here are different.  They are produced differently by different entities.  In most cases, wine will be presented in one part of a store, while cheese is presented in a different part.  It is respectfully submitted that consumers will not assume a common source for the goods despite any complementary nature.  Thus, with respect to the similarity of the goods, it is submitted that this factor weighs against likelihood of confusion.

The consumers of wine and cheese, particularly when it comes to wine and cheese pairing, will be sophisticated and exercise a high degree of care in making their purchasing decisions.  They are "special purchases made only after a good deal of though and consideration."  A consumer has to "pay particular attention to such purchases, and indeed would likely make a careful examination of the item before buying."  Id at 11.  "These types of products, at these prices, are not the kinds of products which we think reasonably prudent purchasers would buy, or without researching the product to some degree. Rather, these are items that will be purchased with care and deliberation." Id. at 12. See Tiffany & Co. v. Classic Motor Carriages Inc., 10 USPQ2d 1835, 1841 (TTAB 1989).

It is submitted that the purchasing and pairing of wine and cheese will be made by those who have a good deal of experience and training with wine and cheese.  These consumers or purchasers in these industries are sophisticated purchasers and will know or appreciate who the respective players are.

While it may not be uncommon for cheese to be paired with wine, or for wine tastings to include cheese, there is no evidence to support that the respective products would emanate from the same source.  Rather, the evidence of record merely demonstrates that there are services and stores where wines and cheeses are paired together.  However, an expert is putting these pairings together after significant research and this expert will certainly come to know and understand the producers of the respective products.  One does not merely select a bottle of wine and a package of cheese and say that the two go together.  Rather, as is clear from the evidence of record, the process of pairing wine and cheese is complex and requires a good deal of sophistication and knowledge about the respective products.

There are large numbers of wine producers and cheese producers, both within the United States and outside of the United States.  For example, referring to Exhibit 1, taken from, the total number of US wineries was 9,654.  Further, with respect to gourmet cheeses, which is generally the type to be paired with wines, such cheesemakers number in the hundreds.  See Exhibit 2 taken from  Due to these large numbers, a significant amount of research of work needs to go into understanding how different wines are made, where they are made and by whom.  The same can be said for cheese.  These numbers clearly indicate that the pairings of wine and cheese are not by impulse, but rather by education, training and research.  Thus, the expert in cheese or wine will not be confused as to source.

The evidence of record supports the sophisticated nature of the consumers.  In each of the evidence attached to the Office Action, various wine and cheese tasting events are described.  The venues themselves include wineries and specialty shops.  It is clear from this evidence that the wine and cheese pairing business is not for the uneducated, but rather those who have been trained in food and wine.  These people are experts in their fields, understand the respective producers of wine and cheese, and will not be confused as to source between a wine and a cheese, even though the marks are similar.

Thus, it is submitted that the degree of consumer care weighs against a likelihood of confusion.

It is submitted that wine and cheese do not move in the same channels of trade.  While wine and cheese may be paired, and even may be sold in the same venue, their marketing and display will be quite different.

Winemaking and cheese making are very different industries and processes.  The process of producing a bottle of wine or a brick of cheese is complex, requires a certain degree of skill and takes a significant amount of time.  Each process also requires sophisticated resources, particularly if the product is to be manufactured and sold on a larger scale.  While the end result of each process may be paired together for tasting purposes, those of skill in the respective arts will readily appreciate the differences.

As suggested by the evidence of record, bottles of wine would typically be in an open air display.  Cheese and dairy products are food products, and its presentation and storage will be subject to regulations that are different from those pertaining to bottles of wine. Thus, it is submitted that cheese and dairy products will be presented in a refrigerated display or a cooler area of the venue.  These will be different areas of the venue, even if there is such a pairing suggestion.

When pairing, such entities are not the manufacturers of the respective products.  The evidence of record merely shows that certain retailers such as wine shops and cheese shops, or wine and cheese shops will pair wines and cheese.  However, it is submitted that the respective products are "noncompetitive, differ completely in utility, have nothing in common with respect to their essential characteristics or sales appeal." Id. at 10.

Thus, although the two marks may be similar, when balancing the likelihood of confusion factors as a whole, the channels of trade and high degree of consumer care likely to be exercised by the relevant consumers supports a conclusion that Applicant's AVOCET mark will not cause confusion with Registrant's AVOCET mark.  The respective goods do not overlap and the consumers of the respective products will be sophisticated and make purchasing decisions with a degree of care that factors away from any likelihood of confusion.  There is no evidence to show that wine and cheese emanate from the same producer.  Rather sophisticated parties and shops may put together wine and cheese pairings.  However, given their sophistication in these fields, they will know that the respective products do not emanate from the same source. 

Exhibits 3-6 illustrate examples of similar marks used for both wine and cheese, where the respective marks are owned by different entities.  Thus, it is submitted that there is no likelihood of confusion and it is request that the mark be approved for publication.

       ORIGINAL PDF FILE evi_243863194-20180807091717182131_._Exhibit_1.pdf
       (1 page)
       ORIGINAL PDF FILE evi_243863194-20180807091717182131_._Exhibit_2.pdf
       (1 page)
       ORIGINAL PDF FILE evi_243863194-20180807091717182131_._Exhibit_3_ZOLO_033_85003077.pdf
       (2 pages)
       ORIGINAL PDF FILE evi_243863194-20180807091717182131_._Exhibit_4_ZOLA_029_78694626.pdf
       (1 page)
       ORIGINAL PDF FILE evi_243863194-20180807091717182131_._Exhibit_5_GOLD_VALLEY_033_73348266.pdf
       (1 page)
       ORIGINAL PDF FILE evi_243863194-20180807091717182131_._Exhibit_6_GOLDEN_VALLEY_029_77920287.pdf
       (1 page)
DESCRIPTION OF EVIDENCE FILE Web page screen shots showing statistics related to wine and cheese. Copies of trademark registration illustrating where similar marks owned by different parties are used for goods in both class 029 and 033.
Preservatives for animal feeds [chemical]; additives [chemical] for use in the preparation of animal foodstuffs; additives [chemical] for use in the manufacture of animal foodstuffs; mixtures of chemicals and microorganisms for increasing the nutritional value of animal fodder [other than for veterinary use]
Preservatives for animal feeds [chemical]; Chemical Ppreservatives for animal feeds [chemical]; additives [chemical] for use in the preparation of animal foodstuffs; chemical additives [chemical] for use in the preparation of animal foodstuffs; additives [chemical] for use in the manufacture of animal foodstuffs; chemical additives [chemical] for use in the manufacture of animal foodstuffs; mixtures of chemicals and microorganisms for increasing the nutritional value of animal fodder [other than for veterinary use]; chemical additives in the nature of mixtures of chemicals and microorganisms for increasing the nutritional value of animal fodder, [other than for medical or veterinary use.]
Chemical Ppreservatives for animal feeds [chemical]; chemical additives [chemical] for use in the preparation of animal foodstuffs; chemical additives [chemical] for use in the manufacture of animal foodstuffs; chemical additives in the nature of mixtures of chemicals and microorganisms for increasing the nutritional value of animal fodder, [other than for medical or veterinary use.]
Beef; milk; milk based beverages [milk predominating]; cream; cheese; cheese products; dairy products
Beef; milk; milk based beverages [milk predominating]; milk based beverages, [ milk predominating]; cream; cheese; cheese products; cheese products, namely cheese food; dairy products; dairy products, namely dairy-based food beverages and dairy-based beverages.
Beef; milk; milk based beverages, [ milk predominating]; cream; cheese; cheese products, namely cheese food; dairy products, namely dairy-based food beverages and dairy-based beverages.
Animal feed; animal feed preparations; mixed animal feed; synthetic animal feed; preserved crops for animal feeds; fodder; foodstuffs and fodder for animals
Animal feed; animal feed preparations; animal feed preparations, namely synthetic animaly feed; mixed animal feed; synthetic animal feed; preserved crops for animal feeds; fodder; foodstuffs and fodder for animals; foodstuffs and fodder for animals.
Animal feed; animal feed preparations, namely synthetic animaly feed; mixed animal feed; synthetic animal feed; preserved crops for animal feeds; fodder; foodstuffs and fodder for animals.
SIGNIFICANCE OF MARK AVOCET appearing in the mark has no significance nor is it a term of art in the relevant trade or industry or as used in connection with the goods/services/collective membership organization listed in the application, or any geographical significance.
NAME Geza C. Ziegler Jr.
FIRM NAME Ziegler IP Law Group LLC
STREET 55 Greens Farms Road
CITY Westport
STATE Connecticut
COUNTRY United States
PHONE 2036590388
FAX 2032225299
ORIGINAL ADDRESS Christian Bunke, Basck Limited
16 Saxon Road
Cambridge CB5 8HS
NAME Geza C. Ziegler Jr.
FIRM NAME Ziegler IP Law Group LLC
STREET 55 Greens Farms Road
CITY Westport
STATE Connecticut
COUNTRY United States
PHONE 2036590388
FAX 2032225299
SIGNATORY'S NAME Geza C. Ziegler Jr.
DATE SIGNED 08/07/2018
SUBMIT DATE Tue Aug 07 09:27:12 EDT 2018

Under the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 no persons are required to respond to a collection of information unless it displays a valid OMB control number.
PTO Form 1957 (Rev 10/2011)
OMB No. 0651-0050 (Exp 09/20/2020)

Response to Office Action

To the Commissioner for Trademarks:

Application serial no. 79225309 AVOCET(Standard Characters, see has been amended as follows:

In response to the substantive refusal(s), please note the following:

Registration of Applicant's mark AVOCET for "chees; cheese products; dairy products" in International Class 029 is refused because of a likelihood of confusion with the mark AVOCET in US Registration No. 4,430,054 for "Aperitif wines; aperitifs with a wine base; cooking wine; fortified wines; fruit wine; grape wine; honey wine; kits for making wine; Korean traditional rice wine (makgeoli); natural sparkling wines; port wines; prepared wine cocktails; red wine; red wines; rose wine; sparkling fruit wine; sparkling grape wine; sparkling wines; still wines; strawberry wine; sweet wines; table wines; tonic sweet grape wine containing extracts from ginseng and conchona bark (ninjin-kinatetsu wine); white wine; wine; wine coolers; wine punch; wine punches; wine-based beverage, namely, piquette; wine-based drinks; wines; wines and fortified wines; wines and liqueurs; wines and sparkling wines; wines derived from grapes grown in California, labeled and advertised in compliance with California laws for wine” in International Class 033.  Reconsideration is solicited.

It is respectfully submitted that although the marks are similar, the respective goods are not.   In any likelihood of confusion analysis, two key considerations are the similarities between the marks and the similarities between the goods. See Federated Foods, Inc. v. Fort Howard Paper Co., 544 F.2d 1098, 192 USPQ 24, 29 (CCPA 1976).  Although the marks may be similar, "the identity of the marks alone is not sufficient to establish likelihood of confusion in the absence of probative evidence that the goods are related."  In re Thor Tech, Inc.,  Serial No. 85667188, Trademark Trial and Appeal Board, January 26, 2015, page 2.  Although the examples of record show that wine and cheese can be paired together, there is no evidence of record that demonstrates that wine and cheese emanate from the same source.  Rather, the evidence of record shows that certain purveyors of wine and cheese may bring the two products together.  However, the respective products themselves are different enough that they do not overlap, which weighs against any finding of likelihood of confusion.

The mere fact that wine and cheese can be paired together does not establish that there is any overlap between the different goods.  The goods here are different.  They are produced differently by different entities.  In most cases, wine will be presented in one part of a store, while cheese is presented in a different part.  It is respectfully submitted that consumers will not assume a common source for the goods despite any complementary nature.  Thus, with respect to the similarity of the goods, it is submitted that this factor weighs against likelihood of confusion.

The consumers of wine and cheese, particularly when it comes to wine and cheese pairing, will be sophisticated and exercise a high degree of care in making their purchasing decisions.  They are "special purchases made only after a good deal of though and consideration."  A consumer has to "pay particular attention to such purchases, and indeed would likely make a careful examination of the item before buying."  Id at 11.  "These types of products, at these prices, are not the kinds of products which we think reasonably prudent purchasers would buy, or without researching the product to some degree. Rather, these are items that will be purchased with care and deliberation." Id. at 12. See Tiffany & Co. v. Classic Motor Carriages Inc., 10 USPQ2d 1835, 1841 (TTAB 1989).

It is submitted that the purchasing and pairing of wine and cheese will be made by those who have a good deal of experience and training with wine and cheese.  These consumers or purchasers in these industries are sophisticated purchasers and will know or appreciate who the respective players are.

While it may not be uncommon for cheese to be paired with wine, or for wine tastings to include cheese, there is no evidence to support that the respective products would emanate from the same source.  Rather, the evidence of record merely demonstrates that there are services and stores where wines and cheeses are paired together.  However, an expert is putting these pairings together after significant research and this expert will certainly come to know and understand the producers of the respective products.  One does not merely select a bottle of wine and a package of cheese and say that the two go together.  Rather, as is clear from the evidence of record, the process of pairing wine and cheese is complex and requires a good deal of sophistication and knowledge about the respective products.

There are large numbers of wine producers and cheese producers, both within the United States and outside of the United States.  For example, referring to Exhibit 1, taken from, the total number of US wineries was 9,654.  Further, with respect to gourmet cheeses, which is generally the type to be paired with wines, such cheesemakers number in the hundreds.  See Exhibit 2 taken from  Due to these large numbers, a significant amount of research of work needs to go into understanding how different wines are made, where they are made and by whom.  The same can be said for cheese.  These numbers clearly indicate that the pairings of wine and cheese are not by impulse, but rather by education, training and research.  Thus, the expert in cheese or wine will not be confused as to source.

The evidence of record supports the sophisticated nature of the consumers.  In each of the evidence attached to the Office Action, various wine and cheese tasting events are described.  The venues themselves include wineries and specialty shops.  It is clear from this evidence that the wine and cheese pairing business is not for the uneducated, but rather those who have been trained in food and wine.  These people are experts in their fields, understand the respective producers of wine and cheese, and will not be confused as to source between a wine and a cheese, even though the marks are similar.

Thus, it is submitted that the degree of consumer care weighs against a likelihood of confusion.

It is submitted that wine and cheese do not move in the same channels of trade.  While wine and cheese may be paired, and even may be sold in the same venue, their marketing and display will be quite different.

Winemaking and cheese making are very different industries and processes.  The process of producing a bottle of wine or a brick of cheese is complex, requires a certain degree of skill and takes a significant amount of time.  Each process also requires sophisticated resources, particularly if the product is to be manufactured and sold on a larger scale.  While the end result of each process may be paired together for tasting purposes, those of skill in the respective arts will readily appreciate the differences.

As suggested by the evidence of record, bottles of wine would typically be in an open air display.  Cheese and dairy products are food products, and its presentation and storage will be subject to regulations that are different from those pertaining to bottles of wine. Thus, it is submitted that cheese and dairy products will be presented in a refrigerated display or a cooler area of the venue.  These will be different areas of the venue, even if there is such a pairing suggestion.

When pairing, such entities are not the manufacturers of the respective products.  The evidence of record merely shows that certain retailers such as wine shops and cheese shops, or wine and cheese shops will pair wines and cheese.  However, it is submitted that the respective products are "noncompetitive, differ completely in utility, have nothing in common with respect to their essential characteristics or sales appeal." Id. at 10.

Thus, although the two marks may be similar, when balancing the likelihood of confusion factors as a whole, the channels of trade and high degree of consumer care likely to be exercised by the relevant consumers supports a conclusion that Applicant's AVOCET mark will not cause confusion with Registrant's AVOCET mark.  The respective goods do not overlap and the consumers of the respective products will be sophisticated and make purchasing decisions with a degree of care that factors away from any likelihood of confusion.  There is no evidence to show that wine and cheese emanate from the same producer.  Rather sophisticated parties and shops may put together wine and cheese pairings.  However, given their sophistication in these fields, they will know that the respective products do not emanate from the same source. 

Exhibits 3-6 illustrate examples of similar marks used for both wine and cheese, where the respective marks are owned by different entities.  Thus, it is submitted that there is no likelihood of confusion and it is request that the mark be approved for publication.

Evidence in the nature of Web page screen shots showing statistics related to wine and cheese. Copies of trademark registration illustrating where similar marks owned by different parties are used for goods in both class 029 and 033. has been attached.
Original PDF file:
Converted PDF file(s) ( 1 page)
Original PDF file:
Converted PDF file(s) ( 1 page)
Original PDF file:
Converted PDF file(s) ( 2 pages)
Original PDF file:
Converted PDF file(s) ( 1 page)
Original PDF file:
Converted PDF file(s) ( 1 page)
Original PDF file:
Converted PDF file(s) ( 1 page)

Applicant proposes to amend the following class of goods/services in the application:
Current: Class 001 for Preservatives for animal feeds [chemical]; additives [chemical] for use in the preparation of animal foodstuffs; additives [chemical] for use in the manufacture of animal foodstuffs; mixtures of chemicals and microorganisms for increasing the nutritional value of animal fodder [other than for veterinary use]
Original Filing Basis:
Filing Basis Section 66(a) , Request for Extension of Protection to the United States. Section 66(a) of the Trademark Act, 15 U.S.C. §1141f.

Tracked Text Description: Preservatives for animal feeds [chemical]; Chemical Ppreservatives for animal feeds [chemical]; additives [chemical] for use in the preparation of animal foodstuffs; chemical additives [chemical] for use in the preparation of animal foodstuffs; additives [chemical] for use in the manufacture of animal foodstuffs; chemical additives [chemical] for use in the manufacture of animal foodstuffs; mixtures of chemicals and microorganisms for increasing the nutritional value of animal fodder [other than for veterinary use]; chemical additives in the nature of mixtures of chemicals and microorganisms for increasing the nutritional value of animal fodder, [other than for medical or veterinary use.]Class 001 for Chemical Ppreservatives for animal feeds [chemical]; chemical additives [chemical] for use in the preparation of animal foodstuffs; chemical additives [chemical] for use in the manufacture of animal foodstuffs; chemical additives in the nature of mixtures of chemicals and microorganisms for increasing the nutritional value of animal fodder, [other than for medical or veterinary use.]

Filing Basis Section 66(a) , Request for Extension of Protection to the United States. Section 66(a) of the Trademark Act, 15 U.S.C. §1141f.

Applicant proposes to amend the following class of goods/services in the application:
Current: Class 029 for Beef; milk; milk based beverages [milk predominating]; cream; cheese; cheese products; dairy products
Original Filing Basis:
Filing Basis Section 66(a) , Request for Extension of Protection to the United States. Section 66(a) of the Trademark Act, 15 U.S.C. §1141f.

Tracked Text Description: Beef; milk; milk based beverages [milk predominating]; milk based beverages, [ milk predominating]; cream; cheese; cheese products; cheese products, namely cheese food; dairy products; dairy products, namely dairy-based food beverages and dairy-based beverages.Class 029 for Beef; milk; milk based beverages, [ milk predominating]; cream; cheese; cheese products, namely cheese food; dairy products, namely dairy-based food beverages and dairy-based beverages.

Filing Basis Section 66(a) , Request for Extension of Protection to the United States. Section 66(a) of the Trademark Act, 15 U.S.C. §1141f.

Applicant proposes to amend the following class of goods/services in the application:
Current: Class 031 for Animal feed; animal feed preparations; mixed animal feed; synthetic animal feed; preserved crops for animal feeds; fodder; foodstuffs and fodder for animals
Original Filing Basis:
Filing Basis Section 66(a) , Request for Extension of Protection to the United States. Section 66(a) of the Trademark Act, 15 U.S.C. §1141f.

Tracked Text Description: Animal feed; animal feed preparations; animal feed preparations, namely synthetic animaly feed; mixed animal feed; synthetic animal feed; preserved crops for animal feeds; fodder; foodstuffs and fodder for animals; foodstuffs and fodder for animals.Class 031 for Animal feed; animal feed preparations, namely synthetic animaly feed; mixed animal feed; synthetic animal feed; preserved crops for animal feeds; fodder; foodstuffs and fodder for animals.

Filing Basis Section 66(a) , Request for Extension of Protection to the United States. Section 66(a) of the Trademark Act, 15 U.S.C. §1141f.

Applicant proposes to amend the following:
Current: Avocet Infinite Plc a(n) Limited Company United Kingdom, legally organized under the laws of United Kingdom, having an address of
      25 Palace Street,Berwick Upon Tweed; Northumberland TD151HN
      United Kingdom

Proposed: Avocet Infinite Plc, public limited company (plc) legally organized under the laws of United Kingdom, having an address of
      25 Palace Street
      Berwick Upon Tweed; Northumberland TD151HN
      United Kingdom

Applicant proposes to amend the following:
Geza C. Ziegler Jr. of Ziegler IP Law Group LLC, having an address of
55 Greens Farms Road Westport, Connecticut 06880
United States
The attorney docket/reference number is BSKAFS5022 .
The Other Appointed Attorney(s): Joseph V. Gamberdell Jr..

Applicant proposes to amend the following:
Christian Bunke, Basck Limited
16 Saxon Road
Cambridge CB5 8HS

Geza C. Ziegler Jr. of Ziegler IP Law Group LLC, having an address of
55 Greens Farms Road Westport, Connecticut 06880
United States;
The docket/reference number is BSKAFS5022 .

Significance of wording, letter(s), or numeral(s)
AVOCET appearing in the mark has no significance nor is it a term of art in the relevant trade or industry or as used in connection with the goods/services/collective membership organization listed in the application, or any geographical significance.

Response Signature
Signature: /gcz44004/     Date: 08/07/2018
Signatory's Name: Geza C. Ziegler Jr.
Signatory's Position: Attorney of Record

Signatory's Phone Number: 2036590388

The signatory has confirmed that he/she is an attorney who is a member in good standing of the bar of the highest court of a U.S. state, which includes the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, and other federal territories and possessions; and he/she is currently the owner's/holder's attorney or an associate thereof; and to the best of his/her knowledge, if prior to his/her appointment another U.S. attorney or a Canadian attorney/agent not currently associated with his/her company/firm previously represented the owner/holder in this matter: (1) the owner/holder has filed or is concurrently filing a signed revocation of or substitute power of attorney with the USPTO; (2) the USPTO has granted the request of the prior representative to withdraw; (3) the owner/holder has filed a power of attorney appointing him/her in this matter; or (4) the owner's/holder's appointed U.S. attorney or Canadian attorney/agent has filed a power of attorney appointing him/her as an associate attorney in this matter.

Mailing Address:    Geza C. Ziegler Jr.
   Ziegler IP Law Group LLC
   55 Greens Farms Road
   Westport, Connecticut 06880
Serial Number: 79225309
Internet Transmission Date: Tue Aug 07 09:27:12 EDT 2018
TEAS Stamp: USPTO/ROA-XX.XX.XX.XXX-20180807092712734

Response to Office Action [image/jpeg]

Response to Office Action [image/jpeg]

Response to Office Action [image/jpeg]

Response to Office Action [image/jpeg]

Response to Office Action [image/jpeg]

Response to Office Action [image/jpeg]

Response to Office Action [image/jpeg] is an independent third-party trademark research tool that is not affiliated, endorsed, or sponsored by the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) or any other governmental organization. The information provided by is based on publicly available data at the time of writing and is intended for informational purposes only.

While we strive to provide accurate and up-to-date information, we do not guarantee the accuracy, completeness, reliability, or suitability of the information displayed on this site. The use of this site is at your own risk. Any reliance you place on such information is therefore strictly at your own risk.

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