Response to Office Action


OMRON Corporation

Response to Office Action

Under the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 no persons are required to respond to a collection of information unless it displays a valid OMB control number.
PTO Form 1957 (Rev 10/2011)
OMB No. 0651-0050 (Exp 07/31/2017)

Response to Office Action

The table below presents the data as entered.

Input Field
(If applicable)
Color is not claimed as a feature of the mark.
Industrial robots; robotic arms for industrial purposes; robots machines; self-propelled robots used for carrying cargoes for industrial purposes; conveying robots and their parts and fittings; robots and robotic arms for sorting, carrying and supplying parts as an adjunct to industrial assembly operation; product grippers, graspers and end effectors for industrial robots; robots and robotic arms for metalworking; metalworking machines and tools; robots and robotic arms for mining; mining machines and apparatus; robots and robotic arms for construction; construction machines and apparatus; robots and robotic arms for loading-unloading; loading-unloading machines and apparatus; robots and robotic arms for industrial fishing; industrial fishing machines; robots and robotic arms as chemical processing machines and apparatus; chemical processing machines and apparatus; robots and robotic arms as textile machines; textile machines and apparatus; robots and robotic arms for food or beverage processing; food or beverage processing machines and apparatus; robots and robotic arms for lumbering, woodworking, or veneer or plywood making; lumbering, woodworking, or veneer or plywood making machines and apparatus; robots and robotic arms for pulp making, papermaking or paper-working; pulp making, papermaking or paper-working machines and apparatus; robots and robotic arms for printing or bookbinding; printing or bookbinding machines and apparatus; sewing robots and robotic arms; sewing machines; robots and robotic arms for agricultural use; agricultural machines, agricultural implements other than hand-operated; robots and robotic arms for shoe making; shoe making machines; robots and robotic arms for leather tanning; leather tanning machines; robots and robotic arms for tobacco processing; tobacco processing machines; robots and robotic arms for glassware manufacturing; glassware manufacturing machines and apparatus; robots and robotic arms for painting; painting machines and apparatus; robots and robotic arms for packaging or wrapping; packaging or wrapping machines and apparatus; robots and robotic arms for ceramics processing; power-operated potters' wheels; robots and robotic arms for plastic processing; plastic processing machines and apparatus; robots and robotic arms for manufacturing electronic components; robots and robotic arms for semiconductor manufacturing; semiconductor manufacturing machines and systems; robots and robotic arms for manufacturing rubber goods; machines and apparatus for manufacturing rubber goods; robots and robotic arms for stone working; stone working machines and apparatus; robots and robotic arms as pneumatic or hydraulic machines and instruments; pneumatic or hydraulic machines and instruments; robots and robotic arms for fuel dispensing for service stations; fuel dispensing machines for service stations; robots and robotic arms for washing laundry; washing machines laundry; robots and robotic arms for repairing or fixing; apparatus for machining; robots and robotic arms for vehicle washing; vehicle washing installations; robots and robotic arms for food mixing for commercial use; food mixing machines for commercial use; robots and robotic arms for food peeling for commercial use; food peeling machines for commercial use; robots and robotic arms for food cutting, chopping and slicing for commercial use; food cutting, chopping and slicing machines for commercial use; robots and robotic arms for dishwashing; dishwashers; robots and robotic arms for floor polishing; robots and robotic arms for wax-polishing; electric machines and apparatus for wax-polishing; robots and robotic arms for vacuum cleaning; electric vacuum cleaners; robots and robotic arms for spraying for disinfecting, insecticides and deodorants not for agricultural purposes; power sprayers for disinfecting, insecticides and deodorants not for agricultural purposes; robots and robotic arms for lawn-mowing; lawnmowers; non-electric prime movers not for land vehicles and parts thereof; adhesive tape dispensing machines; automatic stamping machines; vending machines; mechanical parking systems; machine elements not for land vehicles; curtain drawing devices electrically operated; electric door openers; waste compacting machines and apparatus; waste crushing machines; 3D printers; starters for motors and engines; AC motors and DC motors not including those for land vehicles but including "parts" for any AC motors and DC motors; AC generators alternators; DC generators; electric food blenders for household purposes; dynamo brushes
Industrial robots; robotic arms for industrial purposes; robots machines; industrial robots machines; self-propelled robots used for carrying cargoes for industrial purposes; conveying robots and their parts and fittings; conveying robots and their structural parts and fittings; robots and robotic arms for sorting, carrying and supplying parts as an adjunct to industrial assembly operation; product grippers, graspers and end effectors for industrial robots; structural parts for industrial robots, namely, product grippers, graspers and end effectors for industrial robots; robots and robotic arms for metalworking; industrial robots and robotic arms for metalworking; metalworking machines and tools; metalworking machines and tools, namely, laser marking machines; robots and robotic arms for mining; mining machines and apparatus, namely, industrial robots and robotic arms for mining; mining machines and apparatus; construction machines and apparatus, namely, industrial robots and robotic arms for construction; robots and robotic arms for construction; loading-unloading machines and apparatus, namely, industrial robots and robotic arms for loading-unloading; construction machines and apparatus; robots and robotic arms for industrial fishing; robots and robotic arms for loading-unloading; industrial fishing machines; loading-unloading machines and apparatus; chemical processing machines and apparatus, namely, industrial robots and robotic arms as chemical processing machines and apparatus; textile machines and apparatus, namely, industrial robots and robotic arms as textile machines; food or beverage processing machines and apparatus, namely, industrial robots and robotic arms for food or beverage processing; robots and robotic arms as chemical processing machines and apparatus; lumbering, woodworking, or veneer or plywood making machines and apparatus, namely, industrial robots and robotic arms for lumbering, woodworking, or veneer or plywood making; chemical processing machines and apparatus; pulp making, papermaking or paper-working machines and apparatus, namely, industrial robots and robotic arms for pulp making, papermaking or paper-working; robots and robotic arms as textile machines; printing or bookbinding machines and apparatus, namely, industrial robots and robotic arms for printing or bookbinding; textile machines and apparatus; sewing robots and robotic arms; robots and robotic arms for food or beverage processing; sewing machines; food or beverage processing machines and apparatus; agricultural machines, agricultural implements other than hand-operated, namely, industrial robots and robotic arms for agricultural use; robots and robotic arms for lumbering, woodworking, or veneer or plywood making; industrial robots and robotic arms for shoe making; lumbering, woodworking, or veneer or plywood making machines and apparatus; shoe making machines; robots and robotic arms for pulp making, papermaking or paper-working; industrial robots and robotic arms for leather tanning; pulp making, papermaking or paper-working machines and apparatus; leather tanning machines; robots and robotic arms for printing or bookbinding; industrial robots and robotic arms for tobacco processing; printing or bookbinding machines and apparatus; tobacco processing machines; glassware manufacturing machines and apparatus, namely, industrial robots and robotic arms for glassware manufacturing; painting machines and apparatus, namely, industrial robots and robotic arms for painting; robots and robotic arms for agricultural use; packaging or wrapping machines and apparatus, namely, industrial robots and robotic arms for packaging or wrapping; agricultural machines, agricultural implements other than hand-operated; industrial robots and robotic arms for ceramics processing; robots and robotic arms for shoe making; power-operated potters' wheels; industrial robots and robotic arms for plastic processing; robots and robotic arms for leather tanning; plastic processing machines and apparatus, namely, laser marking machines; industrial robots and robotic arms for manufacturing electronic components; robots and robotic arms for tobacco processing; industrial robots and robotic arms for semiconductor manufacturing; semiconductor manufacturing machines; robots and robotic arms for glassware manufacturing; machines and apparatus for manufacturing rubber goods, namely, industrial robots and robotic arms for manufacturing rubber goods; glassware manufacturing machines and apparatus; stone working machines and apparatus, namely, industrial robots and robotic arms for stone working; robots and robotic arms for painting; pneumatic or hydraulic machines and instruments, namely, industrial robots and robotic arms as pneumatic or hydraulic machines and instruments; painting machines and apparatus; industrial robots and robotic arms for fuel dispensing for service stations; robots and robotic arms for packaging or wrapping; fuel dispensing machines for service stations; packaging or wrapping machines and apparatus; industrial robots and robotic arms for washing laundry; robots and robotic arms for ceramics processing; washing machines for laundry; repairing or fixing machines and apparatus, namely, industrial robots and robotic arms for repairing or fixing; robots and robotic arms for plastic processing; industrial robots and robotic arms for vehicle washing; plastic processing machines and apparatus; vehicle washing installations; robots and robotic arms for manufacturing electronic components; industrial robots and robotic arms for food mixing for commercial use; robots and robotic arms for semiconductor manufacturing; food mixing machines for commercial use; semiconductor manufacturing machines and systems; industrial robots and robotic arms for food peeling for commercial use; robots and robotic arms for manufacturing rubber goods; food peeling machines for commercial use; machines and apparatus for manufacturing rubber goods; industrial robots and robotic arms for food cutting, chopping and slicing for commercial use; robots and robotic arms for stone working; food cutting, chopping and slicing machines for commercial use; stone working machines and apparatus; industrial robots and robotic arms for dishwashing; robots and robotic arms as pneumatic or hydraulic machines and instruments; dishwashers; pneumatic or hydraulic machines and instruments; industrial robots and robotic arms for floor polishing; robots and robotic arms for fuel dispensing for service stations; robots and robotic arms for wax-polishing; electric machines and apparatus for wax-polishing; robots and robotic arms for washing laundry; robots and robotic arms for vacuum cleaning; washing machines laundry; electric vacuum cleaners; robots and robotic arms for repairing or fixing; robots and robotic arms for spraying for disinfecting, insecticides and deodorants not for agricultural purposes; apparatus for machining; power sprayers for disinfecting, insecticides and deodorants not for agricultural purposes; robots and robotic arms for vehicle washing; robots and robotic arms for lawn-mowing; lawnmowers; robots and robotic arms for food mixing for commercial use; non-electric prime movers not for land vehicles and parts thereof; adhesive tape dispensing machines; robots and robotic arms for food peeling for commercial use; automatic stamping machines; vending machines; robots and robotic arms for food cutting, chopping and slicing for commercial use; mechanical parking systems; machine elements not for land vehicles; robots and robotic arms for dishwashing; curtain drawing devices electrically operated; electric door openers; robots and robotic arms for floor polishing; waste compacting machines and apparatus; waste crushing machines; 3D printers; starters for motors and engines; AC motors and DC motors not including those for land vehicles but including "parts" for any AC motors and DC motors; alternators; DC generators; electric food blenders for household purposes; dynamo brushes; AC generators alternators
Industrial robots; robotic arms for industrial purposes; industrial robots machines; self-propelled robots used for carrying cargoes for industrial purposes; conveying robots and their structural parts and fittings; robots and robotic arms for sorting, carrying and supplying parts as an adjunct to industrial assembly operation; structural parts for industrial robots, namely, product grippers, graspers and end effectors for industrial robots; industrial robots and robotic arms for metalworking; metalworking machines and tools, namely, laser marking machines; mining machines and apparatus, namely, industrial robots and robotic arms for mining; construction machines and apparatus, namely, industrial robots and robotic arms for construction; loading-unloading machines and apparatus, namely, industrial robots and robotic arms for loading-unloading; robots and robotic arms for industrial fishing; industrial fishing machines; chemical processing machines and apparatus, namely, industrial robots and robotic arms as chemical processing machines and apparatus; textile machines and apparatus, namely, industrial robots and robotic arms as textile machines; food or beverage processing machines and apparatus, namely, industrial robots and robotic arms for food or beverage processing; lumbering, woodworking, or veneer or plywood making machines and apparatus, namely, industrial robots and robotic arms for lumbering, woodworking, or veneer or plywood making; pulp making, papermaking or paper-working machines and apparatus, namely, industrial robots and robotic arms for pulp making, papermaking or paper-working; printing or bookbinding machines and apparatus, namely, industrial robots and robotic arms for printing or bookbinding; sewing robots and robotic arms; sewing machines; agricultural machines, agricultural implements other than hand-operated, namely, industrial robots and robotic arms for agricultural use; industrial robots and robotic arms for shoe making; shoe making machines; industrial robots and robotic arms for leather tanning; leather tanning machines; industrial robots and robotic arms for tobacco processing; tobacco processing machines; glassware manufacturing machines and apparatus, namely, industrial robots and robotic arms for glassware manufacturing; painting machines and apparatus, namely, industrial robots and robotic arms for painting; packaging or wrapping machines and apparatus, namely, industrial robots and robotic arms for packaging or wrapping; industrial robots and robotic arms for ceramics processing; power-operated potters' wheels; industrial robots and robotic arms for plastic processing; plastic processing machines and apparatus, namely, laser marking machines; industrial robots and robotic arms for manufacturing electronic components; industrial robots and robotic arms for semiconductor manufacturing; semiconductor manufacturing machines; machines and apparatus for manufacturing rubber goods, namely, industrial robots and robotic arms for manufacturing rubber goods; stone working machines and apparatus, namely, industrial robots and robotic arms for stone working; pneumatic or hydraulic machines and instruments, namely, industrial robots and robotic arms as pneumatic or hydraulic machines and instruments; industrial robots and robotic arms for fuel dispensing for service stations; fuel dispensing machines for service stations; industrial robots and robotic arms for washing laundry; washing machines for laundry; repairing or fixing machines and apparatus, namely, industrial robots and robotic arms for repairing or fixing; industrial robots and robotic arms for vehicle washing; vehicle washing installations; industrial robots and robotic arms for food mixing for commercial use; food mixing machines for commercial use; industrial robots and robotic arms for food peeling for commercial use; food peeling machines for commercial use; industrial robots and robotic arms for food cutting, chopping and slicing for commercial use; food cutting, chopping and slicing machines for commercial use; industrial robots and robotic arms for dishwashing; dishwashers; industrial robots and robotic arms for floor polishing; robots and robotic arms for wax-polishing; electric machines and apparatus for wax-polishing; robots and robotic arms for vacuum cleaning; electric vacuum cleaners; robots and robotic arms for spraying for disinfecting, insecticides and deodorants not for agricultural purposes; power sprayers for disinfecting, insecticides and deodorants not for agricultural purposes; robots and robotic arms for lawn-mowing; lawnmowers; non-electric prime movers not for land vehicles and parts thereof; adhesive tape dispensing machines; automatic stamping machines; vending machines; mechanical parking systems; machine elements not for land vehicles; curtain drawing devices electrically operated; electric door openers; waste compacting machines and apparatus; waste crushing machines; 3D printers; starters for motors and engines; AC motors and DC motors not including those for land vehicles but including "parts" for any AC motors and DC motors; alternators; DC generators; electric food blenders for household purposes; dynamo brushes
(and Color Location, if applicable)
The mark consists of the wording "OMRON" in stylized font.
TRANSLATION The wording "OMRON" has no meaning in a foreign language.
SIGNIFICANCE OF MARK "OMRON" appearing in the mark has no significance nor is it a term of art in the relevant trade or industry or as used in connection with the goods/services/collective membership organization listed in the application, or any geographical significance. The word(s) "OMRON" has no meaning in a foreign language.
NAME Bruce H. Bernstein
FIRM NAME Greenblum & Bernstein, P.L.C.
OTHER APPOINTED ATTORNEY Neil F. Greenblum; William S. Boshnick; Jill M. Browning; Jeffrey H. Handelsman, and the attorneys of Greenblum & Bernstein, P.L.C.
STREET 1950 Roland Clarke Place
CITY Reston
STATE Virginia
ZIP/POSTAL CODE 20191-1411
COUNTRY United States
PHONE 703-716-1191
FAX 703-716-1180
ORIGINAL ADDRESS Fukami Patent Office, p.c.
Nakanoshima Central Tower,
2-7, Nakanoshima 2-chome,
Osaka 530-0005
NAME Bruce H. Bernstein
FIRM NAME Greenblum & Bernstein, P.L.C.
STREET 1950 Roland Clarke Place
CITY Reston
STATE Virginia
ZIP/POSTAL CODE 20191-1411
COUNTRY United States
PHONE 703-716-1191
FAX 703-716-1180
RESPONSE SIGNATURE /Jeffrey H. Handelsman/
SIGNATORY'S NAME Jeffrey H. Handelsman
SIGNATORY'S POSITION Attorney for Applicant, MD Bar (Ref.: T52300)
DATE SIGNED 04/27/2017
SUBMIT DATE Thu Apr 27 16:28:23 EDT 2017

Under the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 no persons are required to respond to a collection of information unless it displays a valid OMB control number.
PTO Form 1957 (Rev 10/2011)
OMB No. 0651-0050 (Exp 07/31/2017)

Response to Office Action

To the Commissioner for Trademarks:

Application serial no. 79195790 OMRON (Stylized and/or with Design, see has been amended as follows:

Applicant proposes to amend the following class of goods/services in the application:
Current: Class 007 for Industrial robots; robotic arms for industrial purposes; robots machines; self-propelled robots used for carrying cargoes for industrial purposes; conveying robots and their parts and fittings; robots and robotic arms for sorting, carrying and supplying parts as an adjunct to industrial assembly operation; product grippers, graspers and end effectors for industrial robots; robots and robotic arms for metalworking; metalworking machines and tools; robots and robotic arms for mining; mining machines and apparatus; robots and robotic arms for construction; construction machines and apparatus; robots and robotic arms for loading-unloading; loading-unloading machines and apparatus; robots and robotic arms for industrial fishing; industrial fishing machines; robots and robotic arms as chemical processing machines and apparatus; chemical processing machines and apparatus; robots and robotic arms as textile machines; textile machines and apparatus; robots and robotic arms for food or beverage processing; food or beverage processing machines and apparatus; robots and robotic arms for lumbering, woodworking, or veneer or plywood making; lumbering, woodworking, or veneer or plywood making machines and apparatus; robots and robotic arms for pulp making, papermaking or paper-working; pulp making, papermaking or paper-working machines and apparatus; robots and robotic arms for printing or bookbinding; printing or bookbinding machines and apparatus; sewing robots and robotic arms; sewing machines; robots and robotic arms for agricultural use; agricultural machines, agricultural implements other than hand-operated; robots and robotic arms for shoe making; shoe making machines; robots and robotic arms for leather tanning; leather tanning machines; robots and robotic arms for tobacco processing; tobacco processing machines; robots and robotic arms for glassware manufacturing; glassware manufacturing machines and apparatus; robots and robotic arms for painting; painting machines and apparatus; robots and robotic arms for packaging or wrapping; packaging or wrapping machines and apparatus; robots and robotic arms for ceramics processing; power-operated potters' wheels; robots and robotic arms for plastic processing; plastic processing machines and apparatus; robots and robotic arms for manufacturing electronic components; robots and robotic arms for semiconductor manufacturing; semiconductor manufacturing machines and systems; robots and robotic arms for manufacturing rubber goods; machines and apparatus for manufacturing rubber goods; robots and robotic arms for stone working; stone working machines and apparatus; robots and robotic arms as pneumatic or hydraulic machines and instruments; pneumatic or hydraulic machines and instruments; robots and robotic arms for fuel dispensing for service stations; fuel dispensing machines for service stations; robots and robotic arms for washing laundry; washing machines laundry; robots and robotic arms for repairing or fixing; apparatus for machining; robots and robotic arms for vehicle washing; vehicle washing installations; robots and robotic arms for food mixing for commercial use; food mixing machines for commercial use; robots and robotic arms for food peeling for commercial use; food peeling machines for commercial use; robots and robotic arms for food cutting, chopping and slicing for commercial use; food cutting, chopping and slicing machines for commercial use; robots and robotic arms for dishwashing; dishwashers; robots and robotic arms for floor polishing; robots and robotic arms for wax-polishing; electric machines and apparatus for wax-polishing; robots and robotic arms for vacuum cleaning; electric vacuum cleaners; robots and robotic arms for spraying for disinfecting, insecticides and deodorants not for agricultural purposes; power sprayers for disinfecting, insecticides and deodorants not for agricultural purposes; robots and robotic arms for lawn-mowing; lawnmowers; non-electric prime movers not for land vehicles and parts thereof; adhesive tape dispensing machines; automatic stamping machines; vending machines; mechanical parking systems; machine elements not for land vehicles; curtain drawing devices electrically operated; electric door openers; waste compacting machines and apparatus; waste crushing machines; 3D printers; starters for motors and engines; AC motors and DC motors not including those for land vehicles but including "parts" for any AC motors and DC motors; AC generators alternators; DC generators; electric food blenders for household purposes; dynamo brushes
Original Filing Basis:
Filing Basis Section 66(a) , Request for Extension of Protection to the United States. Section 66(a) of the Trademark Act, 15 U.S.C. §1141f.

Tracked Text Description: Industrial robots; robotic arms for industrial purposes; robots machines; industrial robots machines; self-propelled robots used for carrying cargoes for industrial purposes; conveying robots and their parts and fittings; conveying robots and their structural parts and fittings; robots and robotic arms for sorting, carrying and supplying parts as an adjunct to industrial assembly operation; product grippers, graspers and end effectors for industrial robots; structural parts for industrial robots, namely, product grippers, graspers and end effectors for industrial robots; robots and robotic arms for metalworking; industrial robots and robotic arms for metalworking; metalworking machines and tools; metalworking machines and tools, namely, laser marking machines; robots and robotic arms for mining; mining machines and apparatus, namely, industrial robots and robotic arms for mining; mining machines and apparatus; construction machines and apparatus, namely, industrial robots and robotic arms for construction; robots and robotic arms for construction; loading-unloading machines and apparatus, namely, industrial robots and robotic arms for loading-unloading; construction machines and apparatus; robots and robotic arms for industrial fishing; robots and robotic arms for loading-unloading; industrial fishing machines; loading-unloading machines and apparatus; chemical processing machines and apparatus, namely, industrial robots and robotic arms as chemical processing machines and apparatus; textile machines and apparatus, namely, industrial robots and robotic arms as textile machines; food or beverage processing machines and apparatus, namely, industrial robots and robotic arms for food or beverage processing; robots and robotic arms as chemical processing machines and apparatus; lumbering, woodworking, or veneer or plywood making machines and apparatus, namely, industrial robots and robotic arms for lumbering, woodworking, or veneer or plywood making; chemical processing machines and apparatus; pulp making, papermaking or paper-working machines and apparatus, namely, industrial robots and robotic arms for pulp making, papermaking or paper-working; robots and robotic arms as textile machines; printing or bookbinding machines and apparatus, namely, industrial robots and robotic arms for printing or bookbinding; textile machines and apparatus; sewing robots and robotic arms; robots and robotic arms for food or beverage processing; sewing machines; food or beverage processing machines and apparatus; agricultural machines, agricultural implements other than hand-operated, namely, industrial robots and robotic arms for agricultural use; robots and robotic arms for lumbering, woodworking, or veneer or plywood making; industrial robots and robotic arms for shoe making; lumbering, woodworking, or veneer or plywood making machines and apparatus; shoe making machines; robots and robotic arms for pulp making, papermaking or paper-working; industrial robots and robotic arms for leather tanning; pulp making, papermaking or paper-working machines and apparatus; leather tanning machines; robots and robotic arms for printing or bookbinding; industrial robots and robotic arms for tobacco processing; printing or bookbinding machines and apparatus; tobacco processing machines; glassware manufacturing machines and apparatus, namely, industrial robots and robotic arms for glassware manufacturing; painting machines and apparatus, namely, industrial robots and robotic arms for painting; robots and robotic arms for agricultural use; packaging or wrapping machines and apparatus, namely, industrial robots and robotic arms for packaging or wrapping; agricultural machines, agricultural implements other than hand-operated; industrial robots and robotic arms for ceramics processing; robots and robotic arms for shoe making; power-operated potters' wheels; industrial robots and robotic arms for plastic processing; robots and robotic arms for leather tanning; plastic processing machines and apparatus, namely, laser marking machines; industrial robots and robotic arms for manufacturing electronic components; robots and robotic arms for tobacco processing; industrial robots and robotic arms for semiconductor manufacturing; semiconductor manufacturing machines; robots and robotic arms for glassware manufacturing; machines and apparatus for manufacturing rubber goods, namely, industrial robots and robotic arms for manufacturing rubber goods; glassware manufacturing machines and apparatus; stone working machines and apparatus, namely, industrial robots and robotic arms for stone working; robots and robotic arms for painting; pneumatic or hydraulic machines and instruments, namely, industrial robots and robotic arms as pneumatic or hydraulic machines and instruments; painting machines and apparatus; industrial robots and robotic arms for fuel dispensing for service stations; robots and robotic arms for packaging or wrapping; fuel dispensing machines for service stations; packaging or wrapping machines and apparatus; industrial robots and robotic arms for washing laundry; robots and robotic arms for ceramics processing; washing machines for laundry; repairing or fixing machines and apparatus, namely, industrial robots and robotic arms for repairing or fixing; robots and robotic arms for plastic processing; industrial robots and robotic arms for vehicle washing; plastic processing machines and apparatus; vehicle washing installations; robots and robotic arms for manufacturing electronic components; industrial robots and robotic arms for food mixing for commercial use; robots and robotic arms for semiconductor manufacturing; food mixing machines for commercial use; semiconductor manufacturing machines and systems; industrial robots and robotic arms for food peeling for commercial use; robots and robotic arms for manufacturing rubber goods; food peeling machines for commercial use; machines and apparatus for manufacturing rubber goods; industrial robots and robotic arms for food cutting, chopping and slicing for commercial use; robots and robotic arms for stone working; food cutting, chopping and slicing machines for commercial use; stone working machines and apparatus; industrial robots and robotic arms for dishwashing; robots and robotic arms as pneumatic or hydraulic machines and instruments; dishwashers; pneumatic or hydraulic machines and instruments; industrial robots and robotic arms for floor polishing; robots and robotic arms for fuel dispensing for service stations; robots and robotic arms for wax-polishing; electric machines and apparatus for wax-polishing; robots and robotic arms for washing laundry; robots and robotic arms for vacuum cleaning; washing machines laundry; electric vacuum cleaners; robots and robotic arms for repairing or fixing; robots and robotic arms for spraying for disinfecting, insecticides and deodorants not for agricultural purposes; apparatus for machining; power sprayers for disinfecting, insecticides and deodorants not for agricultural purposes; robots and robotic arms for vehicle washing; robots and robotic arms for lawn-mowing; lawnmowers; robots and robotic arms for food mixing for commercial use; non-electric prime movers not for land vehicles and parts thereof; adhesive tape dispensing machines; robots and robotic arms for food peeling for commercial use; automatic stamping machines; vending machines; robots and robotic arms for food cutting, chopping and slicing for commercial use; mechanical parking systems; machine elements not for land vehicles; robots and robotic arms for dishwashing; curtain drawing devices electrically operated; electric door openers; robots and robotic arms for floor polishing; waste compacting machines and apparatus; waste crushing machines; 3D printers; starters for motors and engines; AC motors and DC motors not including those for land vehicles but including "parts" for any AC motors and DC motors; alternators; DC generators; electric food blenders for household purposes; dynamo brushes; AC generators alternatorsClass 007 for Industrial robots; robotic arms for industrial purposes; industrial robots machines; self-propelled robots used for carrying cargoes for industrial purposes; conveying robots and their structural parts and fittings; robots and robotic arms for sorting, carrying and supplying parts as an adjunct to industrial assembly operation; structural parts for industrial robots, namely, product grippers, graspers and end effectors for industrial robots; industrial robots and robotic arms for metalworking; metalworking machines and tools, namely, laser marking machines; mining machines and apparatus, namely, industrial robots and robotic arms for mining; construction machines and apparatus, namely, industrial robots and robotic arms for construction; loading-unloading machines and apparatus, namely, industrial robots and robotic arms for loading-unloading; robots and robotic arms for industrial fishing; industrial fishing machines; chemical processing machines and apparatus, namely, industrial robots and robotic arms as chemical processing machines and apparatus; textile machines and apparatus, namely, industrial robots and robotic arms as textile machines; food or beverage processing machines and apparatus, namely, industrial robots and robotic arms for food or beverage processing; lumbering, woodworking, or veneer or plywood making machines and apparatus, namely, industrial robots and robotic arms for lumbering, woodworking, or veneer or plywood making; pulp making, papermaking or paper-working machines and apparatus, namely, industrial robots and robotic arms for pulp making, papermaking or paper-working; printing or bookbinding machines and apparatus, namely, industrial robots and robotic arms for printing or bookbinding; sewing robots and robotic arms; sewing machines; agricultural machines, agricultural implements other than hand-operated, namely, industrial robots and robotic arms for agricultural use; industrial robots and robotic arms for shoe making; shoe making machines; industrial robots and robotic arms for leather tanning; leather tanning machines; industrial robots and robotic arms for tobacco processing; tobacco processing machines; glassware manufacturing machines and apparatus, namely, industrial robots and robotic arms for glassware manufacturing; painting machines and apparatus, namely, industrial robots and robotic arms for painting; packaging or wrapping machines and apparatus, namely, industrial robots and robotic arms for packaging or wrapping; industrial robots and robotic arms for ceramics processing; power-operated potters' wheels; industrial robots and robotic arms for plastic processing; plastic processing machines and apparatus, namely, laser marking machines; industrial robots and robotic arms for manufacturing electronic components; industrial robots and robotic arms for semiconductor manufacturing; semiconductor manufacturing machines; machines and apparatus for manufacturing rubber goods, namely, industrial robots and robotic arms for manufacturing rubber goods; stone working machines and apparatus, namely, industrial robots and robotic arms for stone working; pneumatic or hydraulic machines and instruments, namely, industrial robots and robotic arms as pneumatic or hydraulic machines and instruments; industrial robots and robotic arms for fuel dispensing for service stations; fuel dispensing machines for service stations; industrial robots and robotic arms for washing laundry; washing machines for laundry; repairing or fixing machines and apparatus, namely, industrial robots and robotic arms for repairing or fixing; industrial robots and robotic arms for vehicle washing; vehicle washing installations; industrial robots and robotic arms for food mixing for commercial use; food mixing machines for commercial use; industrial robots and robotic arms for food peeling for commercial use; food peeling machines for commercial use; industrial robots and robotic arms for food cutting, chopping and slicing for commercial use; food cutting, chopping and slicing machines for commercial use; industrial robots and robotic arms for dishwashing; dishwashers; industrial robots and robotic arms for floor polishing; robots and robotic arms for wax-polishing; electric machines and apparatus for wax-polishing; robots and robotic arms for vacuum cleaning; electric vacuum cleaners; robots and robotic arms for spraying for disinfecting, insecticides and deodorants not for agricultural purposes; power sprayers for disinfecting, insecticides and deodorants not for agricultural purposes; robots and robotic arms for lawn-mowing; lawnmowers; non-electric prime movers not for land vehicles and parts thereof; adhesive tape dispensing machines; automatic stamping machines; vending machines; mechanical parking systems; machine elements not for land vehicles; curtain drawing devices electrically operated; electric door openers; waste compacting machines and apparatus; waste crushing machines; 3D printers; starters for motors and engines; AC motors and DC motors not including those for land vehicles but including "parts" for any AC motors and DC motors; alternators; DC generators; electric food blenders for household purposes; dynamo brushes

Filing Basis Section 66(a) , Request for Extension of Protection to the United States. Section 66(a) of the Trademark Act, 15 U.S.C. §1141f.

Applicant proposes to amend the following:
Bruce H. Bernstein of Greenblum & Bernstein, P.L.C., having an address of
1950 Roland Clarke Place Reston, Virginia 20191-1411
United States
The attorney docket/reference number is T52300 .
The Other Appointed Attorney(s): Neil F. Greenblum; William S. Boshnick; Jill M. Browning; Jeffrey H. Handelsman, and the attorneys of Greenblum & Bernstein, P.L.C..

Applicant proposes to amend the following:
Fukami Patent Office, p.c.
Nakanoshima Central Tower,
2-7, Nakanoshima 2-chome,
Osaka 530-0005

Bruce H. Bernstein of Greenblum & Bernstein, P.L.C., having an address of
1950 Roland Clarke Place Reston, Virginia 20191-1411
United States
The docket/reference number is T52300 .

Description of mark
The mark consists of the wording "OMRON" in stylized font.

The wording "OMRON" has no meaning in a foreign language.

Significance of wording, letter(s), or numeral(s)
"OMRON" appearing in the mark has no significance nor is it a term of art in the relevant trade or industry or as used in connection with the goods/services/collective membership organization listed in the application, or any geographical significance. The word(s) "OMRON" has no meaning in a foreign language.

Response Signature
Signature: /Jeffrey H. Handelsman/     Date: 04/27/2017
Signatory's Name: Jeffrey H. Handelsman
Signatory's Position: Attorney for Applicant, MD Bar (Ref.: T52300)

Signatory's Phone Number: 703-716-1191

The signatory has confirmed that he/she is an attorney who is a member in good standing of the bar of the highest court of a U.S. state, which includes the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, and other federal territories and possessions; and he/she is currently the owner's/holder's attorney or an associate thereof; and to the best of his/her knowledge, if prior to his/her appointment another U.S. attorney or a Canadian attorney/agent not currently associated with his/her company/firm previously represented the owner/holder in this matter: (1) the owner/holder has filed or is concurrently filing a signed revocation of or substitute power of attorney with the USPTO; (2) the USPTO has granted the request of the prior representative to withdraw; (3) the owner/holder has filed a power of attorney appointing him/her in this matter; or (4) the owner's/holder's appointed U.S. attorney or Canadian attorney/agent has filed a power of attorney appointing him/her as an associate attorney in this matter.

Mailing Address:    Bruce H. Bernstein
   Greenblum & Bernstein, P.L.C.
   1950 Roland Clarke Place
   Reston, Virginia 20191-1411
Serial Number: 79195790
Internet Transmission Date: Thu Apr 27 16:28:23 EDT 2017
TEAS Stamp: USPTO/ROA-XX.XXX.XX.XXX-2017042716282309
/A-N/A-20170427162736923137 is an independent third-party trademark research tool that is not affiliated, endorsed, or sponsored by the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) or any other governmental organization. The information provided by is based on publicly available data at the time of writing and is intended for informational purposes only.

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