Offc Action Outgoing


Leader Drugstores, Inc.

TRADEMARK APPLICATION NO. 77568424 - LEADER - 009252 14283

To: Leader Drugstores, Inc. (
Subject: TRADEMARK APPLICATION NO. 77568424 - LEADER - 009252 14283
Sent: 12/19/2008 9:15:57 PM



    SERIAL NO:          77/568424









          BRICKER & ECKLER LLP      

          100 S 3RD ST

          COLUMBUS, OH 43215-4291 








    APPLICANT:           Leader Drugstores, Inc.         





          009252 14283        













The referenced application has been reviewed by the assigned trademark examining attorney.  Applicant must respond timely and completely to the issue(s) below.  15 U.S.C. §1062(b); 37 C.F.R. §§2.62, 2.65(a); TMEP §§711, 718.03.




The Office records have been searched and there are no similar registered or pending marks that would bar registration under Trademark Act Section 2(d), 15 U.S.C. §1052(d). TMEP §704.02.


Applicant must respond to the requirement(s) set forth below.




Applicant must submit a new drawing with “®” deleted because it is not part of the mark.  See TMEP §§807.02, 807.14(a).




Description of the Mark


Applicant must submit a concise description of the mark.  37 C.F.R. §2.37; see TMEP §§808 et seq.  The following is suggested:


The mark consists of concentric oblong designs containing the term “LEADER.”


Identification of Goods and Services


The wording “TOILETRIES” in the identification of goods is indefinite and must be clarified by specifying whether the toiletries are medicated.  See TMEP §1402.01.  Applicant may substitute the following wording, if accurate: 


Class 3:            “House Mark for a full line of cosmetics, non-medicated toiletries and beauty preparations.”


The wording “PURCHASING” in the identification of services is indefinite and must be clarified by specifying what is being purchased.  See TMEP §1402.01.  Applicant may substitute the following wording, if accurate:


Class 35:          “Third party pharmaceutical prescription plan services offered to member drug stores, namely, advertising, marketing, business consulting and purchasing pharmaceuticals.”


The “ADMINISTRATION OF PHARMACEUTICAL PRESCRIPTION BENEFIT PLANS OFFERED TO EMPLOYERS” services are classified incorrectly.  Applicant must amend the application to classify the services in International Class 36.  See 37 C.F.R. §§2.32(a)(7), 2.85; TMEP §§1401.02(a), 1401.03(b).


Applicant may adopt all or part of the following identification, if accurate:


Class 3:            “House mark for a full line of cosmetics, non-medicated toiletries and beauty preparations.”


Class 5:            “House mark for a full line of pharmaceutical preparations.”


Class 35:          “Retail pharmacy services; third party pharmaceutical prescription plan services offered to member drug stores, namely, advertising, marketing, business consulting and purchasing pharmaceuticals; business consultation in the field of pharmacy.”


Class 36:          “Administration of pharmaceutical prescription benefit plans offered to employers.”


Identifications of goods and/or services can be amended only to clarify or limit the goods and/or services; adding to or broadening the scope of the goods and/or services is not permitted.  37 C.F.R. §2.71(a); see TMEP §§1402.06 et seq., 1402.07.  Therefore, applicant may not amend the identification to include goods and/or services that are not within the scope of the goods and/or services set forth in the present identification.


For assistance with identifying and classifying goods and/or services in trademark applications, please see the online searchable Manual of Acceptable Identifications of Goods and Services at  See TMEP §1402.04.




If applicant adopts the suggested amendment of the goods and/or services, then applicant must amend the classification to International Classes 3, 5, 35 and 36.  See 37 C.F.R. §§2.32(a)(7), 2.85; TMEP §§805, 1401.  


Multiple Class Application


If applicant prosecutes this application as a combined, or multiple-class application, then applicant must comply with each of the requirements below for those goods and/or services based on actual use in commerce under Trademark Act Section 1(a):


(1)        Applicant must list the goods/services by international class;


(2)        Applicant must submit a filing fee for each international class of goods and/or services not covered by the fee already paid (current fee information should be confirmed at; and


(3)        For each additional international class of goods and/or services, applicant must submit:


a.   Dates of first use of the mark anywhere and dates of first use of the mark in commerce, or a statement that the dates of use in the initial application apply to that class; and the dates of use, both anywhere and in commerce, must be at least as early as the filing date of the application;


b.   One specimen showing use of the mark for each class of goods and/or services; and the specimen must have been in use in commerce at least as early as the filing date of the application.  If a single specimen supports multiple classes, applicant should indicate which classes the specimen supports rather than providing multiple copies of the same specimen;


c.   A statement that “the specimen was in use in commerce on or in connection with the goods and/or services listed in the application at least as early as the filing date of the application;” and


d.   Verification of the statements in 3(a) and 3(c) (above) in an affidavit or a signed declaration under 37 C.F.R. §§2.20, 2.33.  Verification is not required where (1) the dates of use for the added class are stated to be the same as the dates of use specified in the initial application, and (2) the original specimens are acceptable for the added class(es).


See 37 C.F.R. §§2.34(a)(1), 2.71(c), 2.86(a); TMEP §§1403.01, 1403.02(c).


The specimen(s) of record is acceptable for International Class 35 only.


House Mark


Applicant’s request for registration of a “house mark” is unacceptable because it does not include evidence of use of the mark as a house mark, i.e., on a wide range of goods.  See TMEP §1402.03(b). 


Therefore, applicant must provide evidence that shows use of the mark as a house mark.  Such evidence may consist of product catalogs or similar evidence showing broad use of the mark.  TMEP §1402.03(b); see 37 C.F.R. §2.61(b). 


If applicant is unable to provide such evidence, applicant must amend the identification to delete “house mark for” and specify the common commercial or generic name for each item.  See TMEP §§1402.01, 1402.03(b).


Full Line


Applicant’s request for registration of its mark on a “full line” of products is unacceptable because it does not include evidence of use on a full line of products.  See TMEP §1402.03(c). 


Therefore, applicant must provide evidence that shows use of the mark for a full line of products.  Such evidence may consist of product catalogs or similar evidence showing broad use of the mark for a majority of the goods in the “full line.”  TMEP §1402.03(c); see 37 C.F.R. §2.61(b).  Evidence showing use of the mark on only three products is not considered sufficient to show use for a “full line” of products.  See In re Astra Merck Inc., 50 USPQ2d 1216 (TTAB 1999). 


If applicant is unable to provide such evidence, applicant must amend the identification to delete “full line of” and specify the common commercial or generic name for each item.  See TMEP §§1402.01, 1402.03(c).


Specimen – International Class 3


Additionally, the specimen is not acceptable because it does not show the applied-for mark used in connection with any of the goods specified in International Class 3.  An application must include a specimen showing the applied-for mark in use in commerce for each class of goods and/or services based on Section 1(a) in the application.  Trademark Act Sections 1 and 45, 15 U.S.C. §§1051, 1127; 37 C.F.R. §§2.34(a)(1)(iv), 2.56; TMEP §§904, 904.07(a), 1301.04. 


In this case, the specimen shows antibiotic ointment, which is in International Class 5. 


Therefore, applicant must submit the following:


(1)   A substitute specimen showing use of the mark for each class of goods and/or services specified in the application; and


(2)   The following statement, verified with an affidavit or signed declaration under 37 C.F.R. §2.20: The specimen was in use in commerce at least as early as the filing date of the application.”  37 C.F.R. §2.59(a); TMEP §904.05.  If submitting a specimen requires an amendment to the dates of use, applicant must also verify the amended dates.  37 C.F.R. §2.71(c).


Examples of specimens for goods are tags, labels, instruction manuals, containers, photographs that show the mark on the goods or packaging, or displays associated with the goods at their point of sale.  TMEP §§904.03 et seq.  Examples of specimens for services are signs, photographs, brochures, website printouts or advertisements that show the mark used in the sale or advertising of the services.  TMEP §§1301.04 et seq.


If applicant cannot satisfy the above requirements, applicant may amend the Section 1(a) filing basis (use in commerce) to Section 1(b) (intent to use basis), for which no specimen is required.  However, should applicant amend the basis to Section 1(b), registration cannot be granted until applicant later amends the application back to use in commerce by filing an acceptable allegation of use with a proper specimen.  15 U.S.C. §1051(c); 37 C.F.R. §§2.76, 2.88; TMEP Chapter 1100. 


In order to amend to Section 1(b), applicant must submit the following statement, verified with an affidavit or signed declaration under 37 C.F.R. §2.20: Applicant has had a bona fide intention to use the mark in commerce on or in connection with the goods or services listed in the application as of the filing date of the application.”  15 U.S.C. §1051(b); 37 C.F.R. §§2.34(a)(2), 2.35(b)(1); TMEP §806.03(c).


Pending a proper response, registration is refused because the specimen does not show the applied-for mark in use in commerce as a trademark or service mark for the identified goods or services.  15 U.S.C. §§1051, 1127; 37 C.F.R. §§2.34(a)(1)(iv), 2.56; TMEP §§904, 904.07(a). 


Sample Declaration for Substitute Specimen:


The following is a sample declaration under 37 C.F.R. §2.20 with a supporting statement for a substitute specimen:


The undersigned being warned that willful false statements and the like are punishable by fine or imprisonment, or both, under 18 U.S.C. §1001, and that such willful false statements and the like may jeopardize the validity of the application or document or any registration resulting there from, declares that the substitute specimen was in use in commerce at least as early as the filing date of the application; all statements made of his/her own knowledge are true; and all statements made on information and belief are believed to be true.







(Print or Type Name and Position)






Sample Declaration for Amendment to Section 1(b):


The following is a properly worded declaration under 37 C.F.R. §2.20.  Applicant should add this declaration to the end of its response, properly signed and dated by a person authorized under 37 C.F.R. §2.33(a).  TMEP §804.01(b).


The undersigned being warned that willful false statements and the like are punishable by fine or imprisonment, or both, under 18 U.S.C. §1001, and that such willful false statements and the like may jeopardize the validity of the application or document or any registration resulting therefrom, declares that all statements made of his/her own knowledge are true; and all statements made on information and belief are believed to be true.






(Print or Type Name and Position)





Prior Registrations


Applicant’s claim of ownership of U.S. Registration Nos. 1408057 and 1434421 will not be printed on any registration which may issue from this application because Office records show that the claimed registrations are expired.  Only claims of ownership of live registrations are printed.  37 C.F.R. §2.36; TMEP §812.


Additionally, if applicant is the owner of U.S. Registration Nos. 3116212 and 3527296, then applicant must submit a claim of ownership.  37 C.F.R. §2.36; TMEP §812.  The following standard format is suggested:


Applicant is the owner of U.S. Registration Nos. 2351269, 3116212 and 3527296.


Response Guidelines


There is no required format or form for responding to an Office action.  The Office recommends applicants use the Trademark Electronic Application System (TEAS) to respond to Office actions online at  However, if applicant responds on paper via regular mail, the response should include the title “Response to Office Action” and the following information:  (1) the name and law office number of the examining attorney, (2) the serial number and filing date of the application, (3) the mailing date of this Office action, (4) applicant’s name, address, telephone number and e-mail address (if applicable), and (5) the mark.  37 C.F.R. §2.194(b)(1); TMEP §302.03(a).


The response should address each refusal and/or requirement raised in the Office action.  If a refusal has issued, applicant can argue against the refusal; i.e., applicant can submit arguments and evidence as to why the refusal should be withdrawn and the mark should register.  To respond to requirements, applicant should set forth in writing the required changes or statements and request that the Office enter them into the application record. 


The response must be personally signed or the electronic signature manually entered by applicant or someone with legal authority to bind applicant (i.e., a corporate officer of a corporate applicant, the equivalent of an officer for unincorporated organizations or limited liability company applicants, a general partner of a partnership applicant, each applicant for applications with multiple individual applicants).  TMEP §§605.02, 712.


If applicant has questions about its application or needs assistance in responding to this Office action, please telephone the assigned trademark examining attorney.



/Tara J. Pate/

Trademark Examining Attorney

Law Office 112

Phone:  571-272-4714

Fax:  571-273-9112



RESPOND TO THIS ACTION: Applicant should file a response to this Office action online using the form at, waiting 48-72 hours if applicant received notification of the Office action via e-mail.  For technical assistance with the form, please e-mail  For questions about the Office action itself, please contact the assigned examining attorney.  Do not respond to this Office action by e-mail; the USPTO does not accept e-mailed responses.


If responding by paper mail, please include the following information: the application serial number, the mark, the filing date and the name, title/position, telephone number and e-mail address of the person signing the response.  Please use the following address: Commissioner for Trademarks, P.O. Box 1451, Alexandria, VA 22313-1451.


STATUS CHECK: Check the status of the application at least once every six months from the initial filing date using the USPTO Trademark Applications and Registrations Retrieval (TARR) online system at  When conducting an online status check, print and maintain a copy of the complete TARR screen.  If the status of your application has not changed for more than six months, please contact the assigned examining attorney.






TRADEMARK APPLICATION NO. 77568424 - LEADER - 009252 14283

To: Leader Drugstores, Inc. (
Subject: TRADEMARK APPLICATION NO. 77568424 - LEADER - 009252 14283
Sent: 12/19/2008 9:15:58 PM






Please follow the instructions below to continue the prosecution of your application:


VIEW OFFICE ACTION: Click on this link (or copy and paste this URL into the address field of your browser), or visit and enter the application serial number to access the Office action.


PLEASE NOTE: The Office action may not be immediately available but will be viewable within 24 hours of this notification.


RESPONSE MAY BE REQUIRED: You should carefully review the Office action to determine (1) if a response is required; (2) how to respond; and (3) the applicable response time period. Your response deadline will be calculated from 12/19/2008.


Do NOT hit “Reply” to this e-mail notification, or otherwise attempt to e-mail your response, as the USPTO does NOT accept e-mailed responses.  Instead, the USPTO recommends that you respond online using the Trademark Electronic Application System response form at


HELP: For technical assistance in accessing the Office action, please e-mail  Please contact the assigned examining attorney with questions about the Office action. 



1. The USPTO will NOT send a separate e-mail with the Office action attached.


2. Failure to file any required response by the applicable deadline will result in the ABANDONMENT of your application.

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