Offc Action Outgoing


Williams, John


To: Williams, John (
Sent: 5/25/2007 3:14:09 PM
Attachments: Attachment - 1
Attachment - 2
Attachment - 3
Attachment - 4
Attachment - 5



    SERIAL NO:          77/100519


    APPLICANT:         Williams, John








  BIRMINGHAM, AL 35242-2989




Commissioner for Trademarks

P.O. Box 1451

Alexandria, VA 22313-1451












Please provide in all correspondence:


1.  Filing date, serial number, mark and

     applicant's name.

2.  Date of this Office Action.

3.  Examining Attorney's name and

     Law Office number.

4. Your telephone number and e-mail address.








MAILING/E-MAILING DATE INFORMATION:  If the mailing or e-mailing date of this Office action does not appear above, this information can be obtained by visiting the USPTO website at, inserting the application serial number, and viewing the prosecution history for the mailing date of the most recently issued Office communication.


Serial Number  77/100519


The assigned trademark examining attorney has reviewed the referenced application and has determined the following:


Trademark Act Section 2(d) - Likelihood of Confusion Refusal


Registration of the proposed mark is refused because of a likelihood of confusion with the mark in U.S. Registration No. 2917641.  Trademark Act Section 2(d), 15 U.S.C. §1052(d); TMEP §§1207.01 et seq.  See the enclosed registration.


Taking into account the relevant du Pont factors, a likelihood of confusion determination in this case involves a two-part analysis.  First, the marks are compared for similarities in appearance, sound, connotation and commercial impression.  In re E .I. du Pont de Nemours & Co., 476 F.2d 1357, 177 USPQ 563 (C.C.P.A. 1973).  Second, the goods or services are compared to determine whether they are similar or related or whether the activities surrounding their marketing are such that confusion as to origin is likely.  In re National Novice Hockey League, Inc., 222 USPQ 638 (TTAB 1984); In re August Storck KG, 218 USPQ 823 (TTAB 1983); In re Int’l Tel. and Tel. Corp., 197 USPQ 910 (TTAB 1978); Guardian Prods. Co., v. Scott Paper Co., 200 USPQ 738 (TTAB 1978); TMEP §§1207.01 et seq.


Similarity of the Marks


Marks may be confusingly similar in appearance where there are similar terms or phrases or similar parts of terms or phrases appearing in both applicant’s and registrant’s mark.  See e.g., Crocker Nat’l Bank v. Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce, 228 USPQ 689 (TTAB 1986), aff’d 1 USPQ2d 1813 (Fed. Cir. 1987) (COMMCASH and COMMUNICASH); In re Phillips-Van Heusen Corp., 228 USPQ 949 (TTAB 1986) (21 CLUB and “21” CLUB (stylized)); In re Corning Glass Works, 229 USPQ 65 (TTAB 1985) (CONFIRM and CONFIRMCELLS); In re Collegian Sportswear Inc., 224 USPQ 174 (TTAB 1984) (COLLEGIAN OF CALIFORNIA and COLLEGIENNE); In re Pellerin Milnor Corp., 221 USPQ 558 (TTAB 1983) (MILTRON and MILLTRONICS); In re BASF A.G., 189 USPQ 424 (TTAB 1975) (LUTEXAL and LUTEX); TMEP §§1207.01(b)(ii) and (b)(iii).


Here, the applicant’s mark, DIVERDUDS, is similar to the registered mark, DIVER JEANS, because both marks contain the similar term “Diver” which appears attached to a term for clothing.  Please see attached definitions.  Although the applicant’s mark contains the term “duds” whereas the registered mark contains the term “jeans,” this difference does not alter the commercial impression of the marks.  Therefore, the marks are confusingly similar.


Similarity of the Goods


If the goods or services of the respective parties are closely related, the degree of similarity between marks required to support a finding of likelihood of confusion is not as great as would apply with diverse goods or services.  Century 21 Real Estate Corp. v. Century Life of America, 970 F.2d 874, 877, 23 USPQ2d 1698, 1701 (Fed. Cir. 1992), cert. denied 506 U.S. 1034 (1992); In re J.M. Originals Inc., 6 USPQ2d 1393 (TTAB 1987); ECI Division of E-Systems, Inc. v. Environmental Communications Inc., 207 USPQ 443 (TTAB 1980); TMEP §1207.01(b).


The decisions in the clothing field have held many different types of apparel to be related under Section 2(d).  Cambridge Rubber Co. v. Cluett, Peabody & Co., Inc., 286 F.2d 623, 128 USPQ 549 (C.C.P.A. 1961) (“WINTER CARNIVAL” for women’s boots v. men’s and boys’ underwear); Jockey Int’l, Inc. v. Mallory & Church Corp., 25 USPQ2d 1233 (TTAB 1992) (“ELANCE” for underwear v. “ELAAN” for neckties); In re Melville Corp. 18 USPQ2d 1386 (TTAB 1991) (“ESSENTIALS” for women’s pants, blouses, shorts and jackets v. women’s shoes); In re Pix of America, Inc., 225 USPQ 691 (TTAB 1985) (“NEWPORTS” for women’s shoes v. “NEWPORT” for outer shirts); In re Mercedes Slacks, Ltd., 213 USPQ 397 (TTAB 1982) (“OMEGA” for hosiery v. trousers); In re Cook United, Inc., 185 USPQ 444 (TTAB 1975) (“GRANADA” for men’s suits, coats, and trousers v. ladies’ pantyhose and hosiery); Esquire Sportswear Mfg. Co. v. Genesco Inc., 141 USPQ 400 (TTAB 1964) (“SLEEX” for brassieres and girdles v. slacks for men and young men).


Here, the applicant’s goods, namely “clothing and apparel, namely, shirts, jackets, hats and accessories” are closely related to the registrant’s goods, “clothing, namely hats, shirts, sweat shirts, tank tops, pants, jeans, shorts, sweat pants, footwear, swimwear, bandanas, and head wear” because all goods listed are clothing.  Additionally, the applicant’s goods and the registrant’s goods are likely sold at retail clothing stores where a consumer might encounter both applicant’s and registrant’s goods.


Neither the application nor the registration contain any limitations regarding trade channels for the goods and therefore it is assumed that registrant’s and applicant’s goods are sold everywhere that is normal for such items, i.e., clothing and department stores.  Thus, it can also be assumed that the same classes of purchasers shop for these items and that consumers are accustomed to seeing them sold under the same or similar marks.  See Kangol Ltd. V. KangaROOS U.S.A. Inc., 974 F.2d 161, 23 USPQ2d 1945 (Fed. Cir. 1992); In re Smith and Mehaffey, 31 USPQ2d 1531 (TTAB 1994).  Consequently, consumers familiar with the registrant’s mark may assume, albeit falsely, that the goods offered under the applicant’s mark originate with the registrant.  Accordingly, because confusion as to source is likely, registration is refused under Trademark Act Section 2(d) based on a likelihood of confusion.


Any doubt regarding a likelihood of confusion is resolved in favor of the prior registrant.  Hewlett-Packard Co. v. Packard Press Inc., 281 F.3d 1261, 62 USPQ2d 1001, 1004 (Fed. Cir. 2002); In re Hyper Shoppes (Ohio), Inc., 837 F.2d 463, 6 USPQ2d 1025 (Fed. Cir. 1988); TMEP §§1207.01(d)(i).


Although the trademark examining attorney has refused registration, applicant may respond to the refusal to register by submitting evidence and arguments in support of registration.


Applicant should note the following additional ground for refusal.


Trademark Act Section 2(e)(1) - Descriptive Refusal


Registration is refused because the proposed mark merely describes a characteristic of applicant’s goods.  Trademark Act Section 2(e)(1), 15 U.S.C. §1052(e)(1); TMEP §§1209 et seq.


A mark is merely descriptive under Section 2(e)(1) if it describes an ingredient, quality, characteristic, function, feature, purpose or use of the specified goods.  In re Gyulay, 820 F.2d 1216, 3 USPQ2d 1009 (Fed. Cir. 1987);  In re Bed & Breakfast Registry, 791 F.2d 157, 229 USPQ 818 (Fed. Cir. 1986); In re MetPath Inc., 223 USPQ 88 (TTAB 1984); In re Bright-Crest, Ltd., 204 USPQ 591 (TTAB 1979); TMEP §1209.01(b).  A mark that describes an intended user of a product or service is also merely descriptive within the meaning of Section 2(e)(1).  See Hunter Publ’g Co. v. Caulfield Publ’g, Ltd., 1 USPQ2d 1996 (TTAB 1986); In re Camel Mfg. Co., 222 USPQ 1031 (TTAB 1984).


The determination of whether a mark is merely descriptive is considered in relation to the identified goods, not in the abstract.  In re Abcor Dev. Corp., 588 F.2d 811, 814, 200 USPQ 215, 218 (CCPA 1978); see, e.g., In re Polo Int’l Inc., 51 USPQ2d 1061 (TTAB 1999) (DOC in DOC-CONTROL would be understood to refer to the “documents” managed by applicant’s software, not “doctor” as shown in dictionary definition); In re Digital Research Inc., 4 USPQ2d 1242 (TTAB 1987) (CONCURRENT PC-DOS found merely descriptive of “computer programs recorded on disk” where relevant trade uses the denomination “concurrent” as a descriptor of this particular type of operating system); see TMEP §1209.01(b).


In the instant case, applicant seeks to register DIVERDUDS for clothing and apparel, namely, shirts, jackets, hats and accessories.  The term “duds” is an informal term for clothing and accessories while the term “diver” refers to someone who dives in water.  Please see attached on-line definitions.


Furthermore, in the instant case, collective use of these terms does not preclude a determination of descriptiveness. A mark that combines descriptive terms may be registrable if the composite creates a unitary mark with a separate, nondescriptive meaning.  In re Colonial Stores, Inc., 394 F.2d 549, 157 USPQ 382 (C.C.P.A. 1968) (holding SUGAR & SPICE not to be merely descriptive of bakery products).  However, the mere combination of descriptive words does not automatically create a new nondescriptive word or phrase.  E.g., In re Associated Theatre Clubs Co., 9 USPQ2d 1660, 1662 (TTAB 1988) (finding GROUP SALES BOX OFFICE descriptive for theater ticket sales services).  The registrability of a mark created by combining only descriptive words depends on whether a new and different commercial impression is created, and/or the mark so created imparts an incongruous meaning as used in connection with the goods and/or services.  Where, as in the present case, the combination of the descriptive words creates no incongruity, and no imagination is required to understand the nature of the goods and/or services, the mark is merely descriptive.  E.g., In re Copytele Inc., 31 USPQ2d 1540, 1542 (TTAB 1994); Associated Theatre Clubs, 9 USPQ2d at 1662. 


Here, “DIVERDUDS” does not create a unique commercial impression but rather refers to clothing and accessories worn by a diver or used in connection with diving.


Thus, the proposed mark merely describes a characteristic of applicant’s goods, namely clothing and apparel and accessories.  Registration on the Principal Register must be refused under Trademark Act Section 2(e)(1). 


Although the trademark examining attorney has refused registration, applicant may respond to the refusal to register by submitting evidence and arguments in support of registration.


Supplemental Register


Although an amendment to the Supplemental Register would normally be an appropriate response to this refusal, such a response is not appropriate in the present case.  The instant application was filed under Trademark Act Section 1(b), 15 U.S.C. §1051(b), and is not eligible for registration on the Supplemental Register until an acceptable amendment to allege use under 37 C.F.R. §2.76 has been timely filed.  37 C.F.R. §2.47(d); TMEP §§815.02, 816.02 and 1102.03.


If applicant files an amendment to allege use and also amends to the Supplemental Register, please note that the effective filing date of the application will then be the date of filing of the amendment to allege use.  37 C.F.R. §2.75(b); TMEP §§206.01 and 816.02.


Please note that amending to the Supplemental Register will not obviate the Likelihood of Confusion refusal under Section 2(d).


If applicant chooses to respond to the refusals to register, then applicant must also respond to the following requirements.


Request for Information


To permit proper examination of the application, applicant must submit additional product information about the goods.  Specifically, applicant must state whether the identified goods, namely “clothing and apparel, namely, shirts, jackets, hats and accessories” have any connection to diving.  37 C.F.R. §2.61(b); In re DTI P'ship LLP, 67 USPQ2d 1699, (TTAB 2003); TMEP §814. 


The requested product information should include fact sheets, instruction manuals, and/or advertisements.  If these materials are unavailable, applicant should submit similar documentation for goods of the same type, explaining how its own product will differ.  If the goods feature new technology and no competing goods are available, applicant must provide a detailed description of the goods. 


The submitted factual information must make clear how the goods operate, their salient features, and their prospective customers and channels of trade.  Conclusory statements regarding the goods will not satisfy this requirement.


Failure to respond to a request for information is an additional ground for refusing registration.  DTI, 67 USPQ2d at 1701.  Merely stating that information about the goods is available on applicant’s website is an inappropriate response to a request for additional information and is insufficient to make the relevant information of record.  In re Planalytics, Inc., 70 USPQ2d 1453, 1457-1458 (TTAB 2004). 


Identification and Classification of Goods


The wording “accessories” in the identification of goods is indefinite and must be clarified because this language may include goods classified in multiple international classes.  Therefore, applicant must specify the common commercial name for these items.  TMEP §1402.01. 


The goods are not properly classified.  Applicant must amend the application to classify the goods in International Class 025.  37 C.F.R. §§2.32(a)(7) and 2.85; TMEP §§1401.02(a) and 1401.03(b).


Applicant may substitute the following wording, if accurate.


Class 025:          “Clothing and apparel, namely shirts, jackets, hats and accessories, namely {specify, e.g. belts, headbands, bandanas}”


Please note that, while the identification of goods may be amended to clarify or limit the goods, adding to the goods or broadening the scope of the goods is not permitted.  37 C.F.R. §2.71(a); TMEP §1402.06.  Therefore, applicant may not amend the identification to include goods that are not within the scope of the goods set forth in the present identification.



/Natalie Polzer/

Natalie Polzer

Trademark Attorney

Law Office 108

Phone:  (571) 272-4103





NOTICE OF NEW PROCEDURE FOR E-MAILED OFFICE ACTIONS:  In late spring 2007, for any applicant who authorizes e-mail communication with the USPTO, the USPTO will no longer directly e-mail the actual Office action to the applicant.  Instead, upon issuance of an Office action, the USPTO will e-mail the applicant a notice with a link/web address to access the Office action using Trademark Document Retrieval (TDR), which is located on the USPTO website at  The Office action will not be attached to the e-mail notice.  Upon receipt of the notice, the applicant can then view and print the actual Office action and any evidentiary attachments using the provided link/web address.  TDR is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week, including holidays and weekends.  This new process is intended to eliminate problems associated with e-mailed Office actions that contain numerous attachments.



  • ONLINE RESPONSE:  You may respond using the Office’s Trademark Electronic Application System (TEAS) Response to Office action form available on our website at  If the Office action issued via e-mail, you must wait 72 hours after receipt of the Office action to respond via TEAS.  NOTE:  Do not respond by e-mail.  THE USPTO WILL NOT ACCEPT AN E-MAILED RESPONSE.
  • REGULAR MAIL RESPONSE:  To respond by regular mail, your response should be sent to the mailing return address above, and include the serial number, law office number, and examining attorney’s name.  NOTE:  The filing date of the response will be the date of receipt in the Office, not the postmarked date.  To ensure your response is timely, use a certificate of mailing.  37 C.F.R. §2.197.


STATUS OF APPLICATION: To check the status of your application, visit the Office’s Trademark Applications and Registrations Retrieval (TARR) system at


VIEW APPLICATION DOCUMENTS ONLINE: Documents in the electronic file for pending applications can be viewed and downloaded online at


GENERAL TRADEMARK INFORMATION: For general information about trademarks, please visit the Office’s website at




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