Response to Office Action


Alden Systems, Inc.

Response to Office Action

PTO Form 1966 (Rev 9/2002)
OMB Control #0651-0050 (Exp. 04/30/2006)

Response to Office Action

The table below presents the data as entered.

Input Field
MARK SECTION (no change)
NAME Alden Systems, Inc.
STREET 400 Vestavia Parkway, Suite 410
CITY Birmingham
OWNER SECTION (proposed)
NAME Alden Systems, Inc.
STREET 2 Perimeter Park South
CITY Birmingham





In Re Application of:                                                     )


ALDEN SYSTEMS, INC.                                           )           TRADEMARK LAW OFFICE 102

Serial No. 76/540185                                                   )

Filed August 13, 2003                                                  )           Examining Attorney

Mark: ALDEN                                                             )           Kim Saito, Esq.


Assistant Commissioner for Trademarks

Attention: Kim Saito, Esq.

2900 Crystal Drive

Arlington, Virginia 22202-3513


Re: Amendment of Application and Response to Office Action


Dear Ms. Saito:




In response to your Office Action dated February 9, 2004, Alden Systems, Inc. (the "Applicant") amends the above application (the "Application") in the manner requested by deleting the recitation of services in Class 35 in its entirety and by substituting the following new recitation of services in Class 35:


Equipment tracking and control services for telecommunications companies.





The February 9, 2004 Office Action indicates that there may be a likelihood of confusion between the mark "ALDEN" as used by Applicant in connection with "computer software development for telecommunications companies" (in Class 42) and (as herein amended) "equipment tracking and control services for telecommunications companies" (in Class 35), and the mark "ALDEN" in pending Application Serial Number 76/365811 by Morcom International, Inc. ("Morcom") in connection with:


"radios; marine radios; weather radios; radio transceivers; marine radio transceivers; weather radio transceivers; weather data receivers; Navtex receivers; facsimile recorders; marine facsimile weather data receivers; printers; weather processing and forecasting software; image processing software; satellite data receiving and communications systems comprising antennas, receivers or transceivers, computers, printers, weather processing and forecasting software, and image processing software."


1.         Applicant's Class 035 Services are unlikely to be Confused with Morcom's Class 009 Goods.  It does not appear that Applicant's "equipment tracking and control services for telecommunications companies" in Class 35 are likely to be confused with Morcom's weather and marine receivers, transceivers, software or satellite systems.  Applicant provides equipment tracking and control services to telecommunications clients, while Morcom provides wireless communications and advanced weather systems to commercial, security and governmental customers (see, for example, description provided in Morcom International webpage attached as Exhibit A).  Equipment tracking and control services are completely distinct and different from, and unrelated to, communications and weather equipment, software or systems.  Applicant's services keep track of the location of equipment; Morcom provides communications and weather systems.  The fact that a telecommunications company might possibly be a customer of both Morcom and Applicant does not create any likelihood of confusion since the services provided under the Alden mark by the two companies are completely unrelated and distinct.  As noted in Kirkpatrick: Likelihood of Confusion in Trademark Law; Practicing Law Institute; at page 5-37:


Some overlap in channels of trade may be unimportant in view of other factors- for example, if the goods are different, the purchasers different and knowledgeable, and the goods expensive ..."


In the present case, Morcom's goods are completely different from Applicant's services, the goods and services of both are highly technical and expensive (e.g., weather systems, on the one hand, and equipment tracking services for telecommunications companies, on the other), and the purchasers of both are highly sophisticated and knowledgeable.  Accordingly, the services of Applicant are not likely to be confused with the goods of Morcom.


2.         Applicant's Class 042 Services are unlikely to be Confused with Morcom's Class 009 Goods.  Applicant's "computer software development for telecommunications companies" is also unlikely to be confused with Morcom's weather and marine receivers, transceivers, software or satellite systems.  Applicant's computer software development services are unlikely to be confused with Morcom's weather and marine radios, transceivers and other equipment for the same reasons discussed in Paragraph 1 above: the services of Applicant (computer software development) are completely different than and unrelated to Morcom's equipment (radios, etc.), the purchasers are acknowledgeable and the goods are expensive.  For this reason, the following discussion will focus exclusively on the likelihood of confusion between Applicant's computer software development services and the software described in Morcom's application, which consists of: (A) weather processing and forecasting software; (B) image processing software; and (C) weather processing and forecasting software that forms a part of satellite data receiving and communications systems.


Applicant provides computer software development services to the order of only a particular type of company (i.e., telecommunications companies).  Applicant is not in the business of providing computer software development services generally, nor is it in the business of selling software itself, and certainly not a narrow type of software, such as weather processing and forecasting software (A and C above) or image processing software (B above).  This distinction was pivotal in Mine Safety Appliances Company v. Management Science America, Inc., 212 U.S.P.Q. 105 (1981), in which the Applicant used the "MSA" mark for the "designing of computer software systems for others" and the opposer used the same "MSA" mark for the design, manufacture, and sale of a wide range of engineering products and services, some of which utilized computer software.  In Mine Safety, the Patent and Trademark Office Trial and Appeal Board found that there was a likelihood of confusion because "applicant has made no restriction in the identification of its services to a particular industry or channel of trade" and, accordingly, "applicant's services are intended for all potential users of this type of service which would include those to whom opposer sells its goods and services."  At 109.


In the present case Applicant provides computer software development services only to telecommunications companies.  It has restricted its services only to that very narrow industry, and type of company, and channel of trade.  In addition (and unlike in Mine Safety, supra, where the opposer provided an extremely wide range of engineering products and services), in the present case Morcom does not provide a wide range of software goods and services under the Alden mark, but rather limits itself to weather processing and forecasting software, and image processing software.  In other words, in this case the computer development services of the Applicant and the software goods of Morcom are both very narrowly focused in completely different areas (telecommunications companies versus weather and imaging software)  Accordingly, it is highly unlikely that there would be any significant overlap in the potential users of both.  In the event of even a small overlap, the purchasers from Applicant and the purchasers from Morcom are sophisticated and the products and services are expensive, so confusion is unlikely.


Accordingly, Applicant believes that there is little likelihood of confusion between Applicant's services and Morcom's goods, and Applicant respectfully requests that the Examining Attorney allow Applicant's application to proceed despite the pending application of Morcom.




The undersigned being hereby warned that willful false statements and the like so made are punishable by fine or imprisonment, or both, under 18 U.S.C. 1001, and that such willful false statements may jeopardize the validity of the Application or any resulting registration, declares that he is properly authorized to execute this Amendment to Application and Response to Office Action on behalf of the Applicant; he believes the Applicant to be the owner of the mark sought to be registered, or, if the Application is being filed under 15 U.S.C. 1051(b), he believes Applicant is entitled to use such mark in commerce; to the best of his knowledge and belief, no other person, firm, corporation, or association has the right to use the above identified mark in commerce, either in the identical form thereof or in such near resemblance thereto as to be likely, when used on or in connection with the goods of such other person, to cause confusion, or to cause mistake, or to deceive; and that all statements made of his own knowledge are true and that all statements made on information and belief are believed to be true.




Date: June 23, 2004.


                                                                               /David A.  Larsen/             

                                                                        DAVID A. LARSEN                                      

                                                                        Attorney for Alden Systems, Inc.




EVIDENCE FILE NAME \\ticrs\EXPORT10\IMAGEOUT 10\765\401\76540185\xml1\ ROA0002.JPG
DESCRIPTION OF EVIDENCE FILE Page 1 of Exhibit A to Amendment and Response
EVIDENCE FILE NAME \\ticrs\EXPORT10\IMAGEOUT 10\765\401\76540185\xml1\ ROA0003.JPG
DESCRIPTION OF EVIDENCE FILE Page 2 of Exhibit A to Amendment and Response
EVIDENCE FILE NAME \\ticrs\EXPORT10\IMAGEOUT 10\765\401\76540185\xml1\ ROA0004.JPG
DESCRIPTION OF EVIDENCE FILE Page 3 of Exhibit A to Amendment and Response
GOODS AND/OR SERVICES SECTION (1st class)(current)
Asset management services for telecommunications companies and marketing of computer software for others
FILING BASIS Section 1(a)
        FIRST USE ANYWHERE DATE 11/00/1995
        FIRST USE IN COMMERCE DATE 11/00/1995
GOODS AND/OR SERVICES SECTION (1st class)(proposed)
equipment tracking and control services for telecommunications companies
FILING BASIS Section 1(a)
        FIRST USE ANYWHERE DATE 11/00/1995
        FIRST USE IN COMMERCE DATE 11/00/1995
GOODS AND/OR SERVICES SECTION (2nd class)(no change)
SIGNATURE /David A. Larsen/
SUBMIT DATE Thu Jun 24 11:51:15 EDT 2004

PTO Form 1966 (Rev 9/2002)
OMB Control #0651-0050 (Exp. 04/30/2006)

Response to Office Action

To the Commissioner for Trademarks:

Application serial no. 76540185 is amended as follows:    
In response to the substantive refusal(s), please note the following:





In Re Application of:                                                     )


ALDEN SYSTEMS, INC.                                           )           TRADEMARK LAW OFFICE 102

Serial No. 76/540185                                                   )

Filed August 13, 2003                                                  )           Examining Attorney

Mark: ALDEN                                                             )           Kim Saito, Esq.


Assistant Commissioner for Trademarks

Attention: Kim Saito, Esq.

2900 Crystal Drive

Arlington, Virginia 22202-3513


Re: Amendment of Application and Response to Office Action


Dear Ms. Saito:




In response to your Office Action dated February 9, 2004, Alden Systems, Inc. (the "Applicant") amends the above application (the "Application") in the manner requested by deleting the recitation of services in Class 35 in its entirety and by substituting the following new recitation of services in Class 35:


Equipment tracking and control services for telecommunications companies.





The February 9, 2004 Office Action indicates that there may be a likelihood of confusion between the mark "ALDEN" as used by Applicant in connection with "computer software development for telecommunications companies" (in Class 42) and (as herein amended) "equipment tracking and control services for telecommunications companies" (in Class 35), and the mark "ALDEN" in pending Application Serial Number 76/365811 by Morcom International, Inc. ("Morcom") in connection with:


"radios; marine radios; weather radios; radio transceivers; marine radio transceivers; weather radio transceivers; weather data receivers; Navtex receivers; facsimile recorders; marine facsimile weather data receivers; printers; weather processing and forecasting software; image processing software; satellite data receiving and communications systems comprising antennas, receivers or transceivers, computers, printers, weather processing and forecasting software, and image processing software."


1.         Applicant's Class 035 Services are unlikely to be Confused with Morcom's Class 009 Goods.  It does not appear that Applicant's "equipment tracking and control services for telecommunications companies" in Class 35 are likely to be confused with Morcom's weather and marine receivers, transceivers, software or satellite systems.  Applicant provides equipment tracking and control services to telecommunications clients, while Morcom provides wireless communications and advanced weather systems to commercial, security and governmental customers (see, for example, description provided in Morcom International webpage attached as Exhibit A).  Equipment tracking and control services are completely distinct and different from, and unrelated to, communications and weather equipment, software or systems.  Applicant's services keep track of the location of equipment; Morcom provides communications and weather systems.  The fact that a telecommunications company might possibly be a customer of both Morcom and Applicant does not create any likelihood of confusion since the services provided under the Alden mark by the two companies are completely unrelated and distinct.  As noted in Kirkpatrick: Likelihood of Confusion in Trademark Law; Practicing Law Institute; at page 5-37:


Some overlap in channels of trade may be unimportant in view of other factors- for example, if the goods are different, the purchasers different and knowledgeable, and the goods expensive ..."


In the present case, Morcom's goods are completely different from Applicant's services, the goods and services of both are highly technical and expensive (e.g., weather systems, on the one hand, and equipment tracking services for telecommunications companies, on the other), and the purchasers of both are highly sophisticated and knowledgeable.  Accordingly, the services of Applicant are not likely to be confused with the goods of Morcom.


2.         Applicant's Class 042 Services are unlikely to be Confused with Morcom's Class 009 Goods.  Applicant's "computer software development for telecommunications companies" is also unlikely to be confused with Morcom's weather and marine receivers, transceivers, software or satellite systems.  Applicant's computer software development services are unlikely to be confused with Morcom's weather and marine radios, transceivers and other equipment for the same reasons discussed in Paragraph 1 above: the services of Applicant (computer software development) are completely different than and unrelated to Morcom's equipment (radios, etc.), the purchasers are acknowledgeable and the goods are expensive.  For this reason, the following discussion will focus exclusively on the likelihood of confusion between Applicant's computer software development services and the software described in Morcom's application, which consists of: (A) weather processing and forecasting software; (B) image processing software; and (C) weather processing and forecasting software that forms a part of satellite data receiving and communications systems.


Applicant provides computer software development services to the order of only a particular type of company (i.e., telecommunications companies).  Applicant is not in the business of providing computer software development services generally, nor is it in the business of selling software itself, and certainly not a narrow type of software, such as weather processing and forecasting software (A and C above) or image processing software (B above).  This distinction was pivotal in Mine Safety Appliances Company v. Management Science America, Inc., 212 U.S.P.Q. 105 (1981), in which the Applicant used the "MSA" mark for the "designing of computer software systems for others" and the opposer used the same "MSA" mark for the design, manufacture, and sale of a wide range of engineering products and services, some of which utilized computer software.  In Mine Safety, the Patent and Trademark Office Trial and Appeal Board found that there was a likelihood of confusion because "applicant has made no restriction in the identification of its services to a particular industry or channel of trade" and, accordingly, "applicant's services are intended for all potential users of this type of service which would include those to whom opposer sells its goods and services."  At 109.


In the present case Applicant provides computer software development services only to telecommunications companies.  It has restricted its services only to that very narrow industry, and type of company, and channel of trade.  In addition (and unlike in Mine Safety, supra, where the opposer provided an extremely wide range of engineering products and services), in the present case Morcom does not provide a wide range of software goods and services under the Alden mark, but rather limits itself to weather processing and forecasting software, and image processing software.  In other words, in this case the computer development services of the Applicant and the software goods of Morcom are both very narrowly focused in completely different areas (telecommunications companies versus weather and imaging software)  Accordingly, it is highly unlikely that there would be any significant overlap in the potential users of both.  In the event of even a small overlap, the purchasers from Applicant and the purchasers from Morcom are sophisticated and the products and services are expensive, so confusion is unlikely.


Accordingly, Applicant believes that there is little likelihood of confusion between Applicant's services and Morcom's goods, and Applicant respectfully requests that the Examining Attorney allow Applicant's application to proceed despite the pending application of Morcom.




The undersigned being hereby warned that willful false statements and the like so made are punishable by fine or imprisonment, or both, under 18 U.S.C. 1001, and that such willful false statements may jeopardize the validity of the Application or any resulting registration, declares that he is properly authorized to execute this Amendment to Application and Response to Office Action on behalf of the Applicant; he believes the Applicant to be the owner of the mark sought to be registered, or, if the Application is being filed under 15 U.S.C. 1051(b), he believes Applicant is entitled to use such mark in commerce; to the best of his knowledge and belief, no other person, firm, corporation, or association has the right to use the above identified mark in commerce, either in the identical form thereof or in such near resemblance thereto as to be likely, when used on or in connection with the goods of such other person, to cause confusion, or to cause mistake, or to deceive; and that all statements made of his own knowledge are true and that all statements made on information and belief are believed to be true.




Date: June 23, 2004.


                                                                               /David A.  Larsen/             

                                                                        DAVID A. LARSEN                                      

                                                                        Attorney for Alden Systems, Inc.




Evidence in the nature of Page 1 of Exhibit A to Amendment and Response has been attached.
Evidence in the nature of Page 2 of Exhibit A to Amendment and Response has been attached.
Evidence in the nature of Page 3 of Exhibit A to Amendment and Response has been attached.
Classification and Listing of Goods/Services
Applicant hereby amends the following class of goods/services in the application as follows:
Current: Class 035 for Asset management services for telecommunications companies and marketing of computer software for others
Original Filing Basis: 1(a).
Proposed: Class 035 for equipment tracking and control services for telecommunications companies
Procedural Matters/Informalities
Applicant proposes to amend the following:
Original: Alden Systems, Inc., a corporation of AL, having an address of 400 Vestavia Parkway, Suite 410 Birmingham, AL US 35216.
Proposed: Alden Systems, Inc., a corporation of AL, having an address of Suite 550 East 2 Perimeter Park South Birmingham, AL US 35243.
Response Signature
Signature: /David A. Larsen/     Date: 06/24/2004
Signatory's Name: David A. Larsen
Signatory's Position: Attorney
Serial Number: 76540185
Internet Transmission Date: Thu Jun 24 11:51:15 EDT 2004
TEAS Stamp: USPTO/OA-XXXXXXXXXX-20040624115115574036

Response to Office Action [image/jpeg]

Response to Office Action [image/jpeg]

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