Response to Office Action


Paul, Samuel Louis

Response to Office Action

PTO Form 1957 (Rev 9/2005)
OMB No. 0651-0050 (Exp. 04/2009)

Response to Office Action

The table below presents the data as entered.

Input Field
MARK SECTION (no change)



Now comes the Applicant Samuel Louis Paul, by and through his counsel of record and responds to October 29, 2007 Non-final Office Action as responds as follows


Description of Goods and Services


The Office had indicated that the present description of services is inadequate and has suggested that the description be amended to read:


“Wholesale distributorships featuring [specify, e.g., house wares, clothing]; direct marketing advertising for others, in class 035.”


The Applicant thanks the Examining Attorney for the Examining Attorney’s assistance in this matter, and respectfully requests that the description of services be amended as follows:


“wholesale distribution services featuring household goods, namely house wares and wire extension cords, but not including ladders or components thereof; and pet support products, namely pet food, pet treats, and pet accessories in class 035.”


New Substitute Specimen

The Office had indicated that submitted substitute Specimen was unacceptable for not showing the use of the service mark in relation to the identified service.  In particular, the substitute specimen failed to make any reference to the applicant’s actual marketing services, and fails to identify any particular goods, which the applicant distributes.


The Applicant has submitted a new substitute specimen that was distributed as an advertising flyer as early as the filing of the present application.  The flyer does make reference to Applicant’s services as a wholesale distributor for a wide variety of household products. 


Although the flyer does not make reference to applicant’s marketing advertising services of goods, the Applicant has presently requested the amendment the description of services to drop that reference of “marketing advertising services of goods.”


Likelihood of Confusion-Similarity of Marks/Similarity of Goods/Services:


The Office has refused registration based on likelihood of confusion based on the similarity of the mark with US registration 25973525, 2609366, and 2726153 (e.g., 1] NEXTEP for “metal ladders and metal steps with or without plastic covering that are installed on wall and structures to form a ladders, and non-metal ladders and non-metal steps that are installed on wall and structures to form a ladders; 2] NEXTEP for metal articles used with manholes, namely metal cover, metal footholds and metal panels; concrete manholes and plastic manholes; and manhole construction; and 3] NEXTEP for orthopedic device, namely walkers for medical use.)


The Applicant respectfully incorporates all previously stated agreements to this issue and further respectfully argues that the new substitute specimen and requested amendments show that the Applicant has been and is now a wholesale distributor of household goods.  In particular, the Applicant has excluded in its description of services that it provides, ladders and ladder parts as being part of the household goods that it handles.  Further, it can be safely argued that manholes, manhole covers, concrete, plastic, or otherwise are generally not accepted as being a household product.  Similarly, an orthopedic walker is a specialized medical/physical therapy implement and generally not associated as being within the spectrum of ordinary household products.


The Applicant believes as such that the three prior cited US registrations would no longer be confused with present application’s service mark on the basis of the services that Applicant provides.


Additional Information Required

The Office has requested that the Applicant submit samples of advertisements or promotional materials for the identified services because the nature of the services in connection with which applicant uses the mark is not clear from the record.  In addition, applicant must describe in some detail the nature purpose and channels of trade of the services listed in the application.


The Applicant is the president of the Nevada Corporation, Nextep Inc., to which Applicant has licensed the service mark NEXTEP.  Nextep, Inc is a wholesale distributor of household goods such as trash bin, trash bags, and trash bag storage devices, electrical cords, as well as pet-related goods such as pet foods, pet treats, pet accessories (e.g. leases, toys, etc.)  Nextep, Inc. contracts with third party manufacturers to make these items, then wholesales the items to national and regional retail store chains such as Wal-Mart, Albertsons, Dollar Store, and the like.  As such, Nextep, Inc. constantly seeks out inventors to license their new products as a Nextep product lines, which Nextep will provide wholesale distribution to national and regional retail store chains.


In addition, Nextep, Inc. has acquired the trademark rights to US registered trademark BRAWNY for use with plastic food baggies, and to US registered trademark BLACK AND DECKER for use with wire extension cords.  Nextep contracts with third-party manufacturers to make these products in which Nextep with package the goods with the licensed trademark name and then wholesale distribute the packaged goods to national and regional retail store chains.


The Applicant in this response has submitted additional advertising material in the way of an advertising flyer.




The Applicant respectfully points out that the 6-month deadline (April 29, 2007) responding to the present October 29, 2006 Office Action, fell upon a weekend day (i.e., Sunday) hence a following weekday, Monday, October 30, 2007 is the proper last day for filing a Response to the Office Action.


The Applicant believes that it has fully responded to the issues raised in the October 29, 2006 non-final office action.  The Applicant thanks the Examining Attorney for all the time and effort the Examining Attorney had expended upon the present application.  The Applicant requests that if the Examining Attorney has further questions or requests in this matter that he contact the counsel of record to further expedite matters.


Respectfully submitted.




John D. Long

Counsel for Applicant



Long & Chybik

1575 Delucchi Lane

Suite 115

Reno, Nevada 89502


V: 775/827-8767  PST

F: 775/827-0363


wholesale distribution services and direct marketing advertising services of goods
FILING BASIS Section 1(a)
        FIRST USE ANYWHERE DATE At least as early as 09/01/2000
        FIRST USE IN COMMERCE DATE At least as early as 10/01/2000
GOODS AND/OR SERVICES SECTION (class added) Original Class (040)
wholesale distribution services featuring household goods, namely house wares and wire extension cords, but not including ladders or components thereof; and pet support products, namely pet food, pet treats, and pet accessories in class 035
FILING BASIS Section 1(a)
        FIRST USE ANYWHERE DATE At least as early as 09/01/2000
        FIRST USE IN COMMERCE DATE At least as early as 10/01/2000
        STATEMENT TYPE "The substitute specimen(s) was in use in commerce as of the filing date of the application."
        FILE NAME(S)
\\TICRS2\EXPORT12\764\937 \76493700\xml1\ROA0002.JP G
        SPECIMEN DESCRIPTION advertisement flyer
DECLARATION SIGNATURE /samuel louis paul/
SIGNATORY'S NAME Samuel Louis Paul
DATE SIGNED 04/30/2007
SIGNATORY'S POSITION Counsel for Applicant
DATE SIGNED 04/30/2007
SUBMIT DATE Mon Apr 30 22:59:23 EDT 2007

PTO Form 1957 (Rev 9/2005)
OMB No. 0651-0050 (Exp. 04/2009)

Response to Office Action

To the Commissioner for Trademarks:

Application serial no. 76493700 has been amended as follows:
In response to the substantive refusal(s), please note the following:



Now comes the Applicant Samuel Louis Paul, by and through his counsel of record and responds to October 29, 2007 Non-final Office Action as responds as follows


Description of Goods and Services


The Office had indicated that the present description of services is inadequate and has suggested that the description be amended to read:


“Wholesale distributorships featuring [specify, e.g., house wares, clothing]; direct marketing advertising for others, in class 035.”


The Applicant thanks the Examining Attorney for the Examining Attorney’s assistance in this matter, and respectfully requests that the description of services be amended as follows:


“wholesale distribution services featuring household goods, namely house wares and wire extension cords, but not including ladders or components thereof; and pet support products, namely pet food, pet treats, and pet accessories in class 035.”


New Substitute Specimen

The Office had indicated that submitted substitute Specimen was unacceptable for not showing the use of the service mark in relation to the identified service.  In particular, the substitute specimen failed to make any reference to the applicant’s actual marketing services, and fails to identify any particular goods, which the applicant distributes.


The Applicant has submitted a new substitute specimen that was distributed as an advertising flyer as early as the filing of the present application.  The flyer does make reference to Applicant’s services as a wholesale distributor for a wide variety of household products. 


Although the flyer does not make reference to applicant’s marketing advertising services of goods, the Applicant has presently requested the amendment the description of services to drop that reference of “marketing advertising services of goods.”


Likelihood of Confusion-Similarity of Marks/Similarity of Goods/Services:


The Office has refused registration based on likelihood of confusion based on the similarity of the mark with US registration 25973525, 2609366, and 2726153 (e.g., 1] NEXTEP for “metal ladders and metal steps with or without plastic covering that are installed on wall and structures to form a ladders, and non-metal ladders and non-metal steps that are installed on wall and structures to form a ladders; 2] NEXTEP for metal articles used with manholes, namely metal cover, metal footholds and metal panels; concrete manholes and plastic manholes; and manhole construction; and 3] NEXTEP for orthopedic device, namely walkers for medical use.)


The Applicant respectfully incorporates all previously stated agreements to this issue and further respectfully argues that the new substitute specimen and requested amendments show that the Applicant has been and is now a wholesale distributor of household goods.  In particular, the Applicant has excluded in its description of services that it provides, ladders and ladder parts as being part of the household goods that it handles.  Further, it can be safely argued that manholes, manhole covers, concrete, plastic, or otherwise are generally not accepted as being a household product.  Similarly, an orthopedic walker is a specialized medical/physical therapy implement and generally not associated as being within the spectrum of ordinary household products.


The Applicant believes as such that the three prior cited US registrations would no longer be confused with present application’s service mark on the basis of the services that Applicant provides.


Additional Information Required

The Office has requested that the Applicant submit samples of advertisements or promotional materials for the identified services because the nature of the services in connection with which applicant uses the mark is not clear from the record.  In addition, applicant must describe in some detail the nature purpose and channels of trade of the services listed in the application.


The Applicant is the president of the Nevada Corporation, Nextep Inc., to which Applicant has licensed the service mark NEXTEP.  Nextep, Inc is a wholesale distributor of household goods such as trash bin, trash bags, and trash bag storage devices, electrical cords, as well as pet-related goods such as pet foods, pet treats, pet accessories (e.g. leases, toys, etc.)  Nextep, Inc. contracts with third party manufacturers to make these items, then wholesales the items to national and regional retail store chains such as Wal-Mart, Albertsons, Dollar Store, and the like.  As such, Nextep, Inc. constantly seeks out inventors to license their new products as a Nextep product lines, which Nextep will provide wholesale distribution to national and regional retail store chains.


In addition, Nextep, Inc. has acquired the trademark rights to US registered trademark BRAWNY for use with plastic food baggies, and to US registered trademark BLACK AND DECKER for use with wire extension cords.  Nextep contracts with third-party manufacturers to make these products in which Nextep with package the goods with the licensed trademark name and then wholesale distribute the packaged goods to national and regional retail store chains.


The Applicant in this response has submitted additional advertising material in the way of an advertising flyer.




The Applicant respectfully points out that the 6-month deadline (April 29, 2007) responding to the present October 29, 2006 Office Action, fell upon a weekend day (i.e., Sunday) hence a following weekday, Monday, October 30, 2007 is the proper last day for filing a Response to the Office Action.


The Applicant believes that it has fully responded to the issues raised in the October 29, 2006 non-final office action.  The Applicant thanks the Examining Attorney for all the time and effort the Examining Attorney had expended upon the present application.  The Applicant requests that if the Examining Attorney has further questions or requests in this matter that he contact the counsel of record to further expedite matters.


Respectfully submitted.




John D. Long

Counsel for Applicant



Long & Chybik

1575 Delucchi Lane

Suite 115

Reno, Nevada 89502


V: 775/827-8767  PST

F: 775/827-0363


Evidence in the nature of Advertisement flyer has been attached.

Classification and Listing of Goods/Services
Applicant hereby deletes the following class of goods/services from the application.
Class 040 for wholesale distribution services and direct marketing advertising services of goods

Applicant hereby adds the following class of goods/services to the application:
Class 035 (Original Class: 040 ) for wholesale distribution services featuring household goods, namely house wares and wire extension cords, but not including ladders or components thereof; and pet support products, namely pet food, pet treats, and pet accessories in class 035
Section 1(a), Use in Commerce: The mark was first used at least as early as 09/01/2000 and first used in commerce at least as early as 10/01/2000, and is now in use in such commerce.
Applicant hereby submits a specimen for Class 035.
The specimen(s) submitted consists of advertisement flyer.
For an application based on 1(a), Use in Commerce, "The substitute specimen(s) was in use in commerce as of the filing date of the application."
Specimen File1

Declaration Signature
If the applicant is seeking registration under Section 1(b) and/or Section 44 of the Trademark Act, the applicant had a bona fide intention to use or use through the applicant's related company or licensee the mark in commerce on or in connection with the identified goods and/or services as of the filing date of the application. 37 C.F.R. Secs. 2.34(a)(2)(i); 2.34 (a)(3)(i); and 2.34(a)(4)(ii). If the applicant is seeking registration under Section 1(a) of the Trademark Act, the mark was in use in commerce on or in connection with the goods or services listed in the application as of the application filing date. 37 C.F.R. Secs. 2.34(a)(1)(i). The undersigned, being hereby warned that willful false statements and the like so made are punishable by fine or imprisonment, or both, under 18 U.S.C. §1001, and that such willful false statements may jeopardize the validity of the application or any resulting registration, declares that he/she is properly authorized to execute this application on behalf of the applicant; he/she believes the applicant to be the owner of the trademark/service mark sought to be registered, or, if the application is being filed under 15 U.S.C. §1051(b), he/she believes applicant to be entitled to use such mark in commerce; to the best of his/her knowledge and belief no other person, firm, corporation, or association has the right to use the mark in commerce, either in the identical form thereof or in such near resemblance thereto as to be likely, when used on or in connection with the goods/services of such other person, to cause confusion, or to cause mistake, or to deceive; that if the original application was submitted unsigned, that all statements in the original application and this submission made of the declaration signer's knowledge are true; and all statements in the original application and this submission made on information and belief are believed to be true.

Signature: /samuel louis paul/      Date: 04/30/2007
Signatory's Name: Samuel Louis Paul
Signatory's Position: Applicant

Response Signature
Signature: /john d. long/     Date: 04/30/2007
Signatory's Name: John D. Long
Signatory's Position: Counsel for Applicant

The signatory has confirmed that he/she is an attorney who is a member in good standing of the bar of the highest court of a U.S. state, which includes the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, and other federal territories and possessions; and he/she is currently the applicant's attorney or an associate thereof; and to the best of his/her knowledge, if prior to his/her appointment another U.S. attorney or a Canadian attorney/agent not currently associated with his/her company/firm previously represented the applicant in this matter: (1) the applicant has filed or is concurrently filing a signed revocation of or substitute power of attorney with the USPTO; (2) the USPTO has granted the request of the prior representative to withdraw; (3) the applicant has filed a power of attorney appointing him/her in this matter; or (4) the applicant's appointed U.S. attorney or Canadian attorney/agent has filed a power of attorney appointing him/her as an associate attorney in this matter.
Serial Number: 76493700
Internet Transmission Date: Mon Apr 30 22:59:23 EDT 2007
TEAS Stamp: USPTO/ROA-XX.XX.XXX.XXX-2007043022592356

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